LinkedIn ™ profile audit

Proinfluent LinkedIn BtoB marketing expert (formerly Linkinfluent)

LinkedIn ™ profile audit

By the expert specialist of Linkedin ™ N ° 1 in France - Expert certified by the State

LinkedIn profile audit and analysis

Your profile analyzed by an expert

A personalized action plan

Answers to all your questions

Audit report

Proinfluent professional marketing expert
Proinfluent professional marketing expert

LinkedIn ™ Audit - LinkedIn ™ Help

Boost your LinkedIn ™ profile

SOS: blocked on LinkedIn ™

30 min phone call
97 HT
Are you looking to change your profile, your LinkedIn ™ account, manage your image, develop your network or find a job and are having difficulty?
I accompany you and answer your questions for 30 minutes.
  • 30-minute personalized coaching
  • A quick meeting
  • Confidentiality

Audit of your LinkedIn ™ profile

By phone or video
397 HT
Your profile is not efficient? You are not seen? You are not contacted? I audit your profile and give you recommendations, by phone or Skype, to become visible.
  • Personalized audit with recommendations
  • Settings not known by 99% of users
  • Audio report (recording of the exchange)
  • A quick meeting
  • Confidentiality

Discover their testimony