Testimonials and opinions on Proinfluent
Here are the opinions and testimonials about Proinfluent & Yannick BOUISSIERE
Proinfluent in a few figures
LinkedIn ™ Expert N ° 1 in Francophonie
+400,000 people
followed our advice
+10 000
have followed our training
Marketing expert trainer,
doubly certified by the State
99% of satisfied customers
They followed our Method,
here is their testimony in video
Google Reviews
Efficiency proven and approved by 87 BtoB executives and entrepreneurs who recommend us today
It is quite simply unheard of on the professional market!
Reviews and testimonials are verified and verifiable on Yannick BOUISSIERE's LinkedIn ™
Jérôme scheduled 12 meetings in 6 weeks with decision makers at private and public accounts:
Eric has obtained more than 30 meetings with presidents in 15 days during the summer period:
Okay, let’s stop there. we have more than 350 files:
Today, Yannick and his team train companies and professionals all over the world:
Or, Yannick is invited to conferences to share his advice:
When you will know the Proinfluent method , finding new customers will be just another simple task in your day. You will know exactly what to do from start to finish to implement this new way of selling (yourself).