Inspire confidence.
Get bought.
Infiltrate psychology of your customers
so that she finds you and choose you .
Infiltrate the psychology of your customers to transform visitors to your LinkedIn ™ profile into customers .

Now, more than 10,000 people are transforming their LinkedIn ™ profile and generating opportunities thanks to the proven advice of Yannick BOUISSIERE, expert in marketing for professionals.
Hard to believe...
But there is some evidence, see for yourself:

How to have a LinkedIn ™ profile that ensures that customers “buy” you with their eyes closed?
No longer believe that a LinkedIn ™ profile filled with a banner and a photo is all it takes to generate opportunities.
Discover :
● How people who have tried unsuccessfully, fumbling with free advice found on the internet, have now found business opportunities.
● And how these people edited a LinkedIn ™ profile that stealthily infiltrates the psychology of their customers so that they can trust them, find them and, above all, buy them.
And this, thanks to the Proinfluent® Profile of Yannick BOUISSIERE, the N ° 1 expert.
You can now use it yourself for your LinkedIn ™ profile!
Let me ask you a few questions:
● Are you visible on LinkedIn ™? On Google ™?
● Is your profile a seller? Effective ?
● Do you really inspire confidence on LinkedIn ™?
● Do you regularly receive commercial proposals?
It has certainly happened to you to be convinced to be right in a situation and yet the reality proves to you the contrary, does not it?
So how come you can’t find all the customers you want on LinkedIn ™?
Could it be that your profile is not as effective as you think it is?
So stay with me, the Proinfluent® Profile may just help you turn the tide.
Now, see for yourself what Yannick BOUISSIERE’s expertise has brought:

Why is the Proinfluent® Profile so effective in inspiring confidence ?

The method is based on the research of BtoB marketing expert Yannick BOUISSIERE.
He honed his knowledge of marketing first at the headquarters of Airbus Group .
Then, then for 4 years at AXA , in France and Hong Kong, by setting up strategies for finding clients , make the company visible and ensure convince people to choose this brand .

This method is based on the idea defended by Dale carnegie , American writer and lecturer, author of the best-selling book How to make friends ( How to Win Friends and Influence People ) first published in 1936 and sold some 40 million copies worldwide.
If it has worked for those who apply it, don’t you think it can make you more visible on LinkedIn ™? To value you, to bring you more credit and to allow you to gain customers more easily and quickly?
Fast results
The people who have already applied the Proinfluent Profile obtained results that were as fast as they were unexpected .
"As soon as I modified my profile, I had two new proposals"

With the approach of Yannick BOUISSIERE, you work in agreement with your customers for infiltrate your psychology .
Plus, you optimize your LinkedIn ™ profile to create an expert page you’ll be proud of.
You work to improve the conversions of all your actions and therefore sales.

It’s quick and easy to do .
All you have to do is use the Proinfluent® Profile recommended by expert Yannick BOUISSIERE.

Do you want to follow this method without any risk of failure ?
Do you want to be visible , remarkable and noticed by your ideal clients ?
Do you want push the boundaries of your LinkedIn ™ profile for create this relationship of trust essential to any successful business relationship ?
Do you finally want to access the opportunities you are entitled to receive?
So in this case, you can follow the Profil Proinfluent® training course without risk .
Here is the Proinfluent® Profile program
The 10 principles for transform your profile so that he converts visitors into buyers .
Principle 1
Change your beliefs, your state of mind and remove your preconceived ideas to inspire confidence and make you buy .
Principle 2
Stealthily infiltrate the psychology of your customers , understand its needs and how it works to better make you buy .
Principle 3
Take care of your brand image and develop the credibility of your profile .
Principle 4
Learn them 5 secrets of an effective LinkedIn ™ profile .
Principle 5
Write a sales and effective summary thanks to the weft PROINFLUENT © who uses the cognitive sciences and the humanistic marketing for convert visitors to buyers .
Principle 6
Configure efficiently your profile and access the little-known settings of 97% of LinkedIn users ™!
Principle 7
Reference your profile on search engines to appear and be contacted from Google ™.
Principle 8
Learn them 2 strategies to develop your network and earn up to hundreds of connections in a matter of hours !
Principle 9
Access ultimate, never-before-seen tips and how-to tutorials for transform your profile and get the professional recognition you deserve .
Principle 10
Be guided step by step to perform actions on your profile Next expert’s screen .
With as a bonus ...

12 months of updates included!
You know it as well as I do, everything changes very quickly on the internet. That is why Yannick personally and regularly updates the Proinfluent® Profile .
And you can enjoy it for 12 months!
And that's not all !
Proinfluent® makes your decision easier with the ...
"Triple Guarantee 100% results"

The first is the "Guarantee of Results"
It’s extremely simple: take action by applying the method .
If after 31 days you have no benefits, Proinfluent® will reimburse you to the last penny .
Needless to say, the Proinfluent® Profile is serious training that requires work and investment on your part.
That is why, once after applying the training advice, if you do not see with your own eyes that visitors to your profile declare that it is more visual, more airy, more explicit, more sales, more clear , then we will gladly reimburse you to the last penny.
You are protected by warranty.

The second is the "Business Guarantee"
After 8 years of trial-and-error and improvements, Yannick BOUISSIERE has sought-after expertise in LinkedIn ™.
His advice is considered to be the best on the market …
Indeed, today, 69 people testify to the efficiency and expertise of Proinfluent® .
Discover more testimonials here.
This is a method proven by dozens and dozens of different profiles ranging from salespeople, freelancers, SME entrepreneurs, to CEOs of listed multinationals – true!

The third is the “Accompaniment Guarantee”
Online training is great, but being followed and getting your questions answered is even better!
The Profil Proinfluent® training allows you to benefit from a follow-up carried out by Yannick BOUISSIERE and the members of his team . Note that Proinfluent® makes sure to answer your questions 7 days a week for 1 year .
You can ask your questions directly in the training modules where our team provides the answer. If necessary, in case of a question that is too technical, you will have an answer in video. This solution allows you to have clear, detailed and visual explanations.
Just know that usually Yannick charges nearly 1000 euros per hour for individual support for his clients.
Exceptionally with the Profil Proinfluent® training, you benefit from support directly in the online training modules, during 12 full months – included free of charge for you
Thus Proinfluent® ensures your success with the “ Triple Guarantee 100% result “.
Is the training for everyone?
The Proinfluent® Profile is aimed at all professionals on LinkedIn ™ who wish to increase their visibility, build an efficient, well-configured, referenced and seller profile.
Does it work for everyone?
Training guides you step by step to transform your LinkedIn ™ profile making you benefit from the advice of the LinkedIn ™ expert N ° 1 in Francophonie .
By applying the Proinfluent® Profile you you stealthily infiltrate the psychology of your customers and thus you improve your profile to create confidence in hardened steel.
In addition, you increase your SEO promoting your visibility with your customers.
What does the training bring in addition to the free resources available on the internet?
The Proinfluent® Profile is the result of 8 years of experimentation through a series of trial and error in the workplace.
This value and expertise are made accessible and organized into modules to quickly achieve your goals.
You save time (and money) by applying directly to a method proven by more than 10,000 people who have already applied the strategies of Yannick BOUISSIERE.
We know that on the internet you have access to many free resources that provide different advice and their opposites. It is therefore not easy to disentangle the true from the false.
In addition, the free tips are often superficial and only help you improve the look of your profile (some will even teach you to put a circle around your photo, telling you that it is very important …).
Even if the visual aspect is important, the Profil Proinfluent® training is much deeper and more relevant.
The idea is to take the height of your marketing actions by focusing on the needs of your customers and gaining their trust in the long term .
If the interface of LinkedIn ™ changes tomorrow, your optimized content and your value in the eyes of your interlocutors will remain.
So, if we summarize, you now have 3 options :
The first is to stay still.
You do not touch anything and you leave your LinkedIn ™ profile as is without making any changes.
So while staying camped at your current position, you do not advance .
And especially, you are missing out on the immense potential of this social network and watch your competitors take market share .
Or you choose the second option, which is to walk alone in the fog.
You manage alone by randomly drawing from the mountain of free advice found online .
Is it a good idea ?
You spend a lot of time disentangling the true from the false and try out the tips before you find out what actually works.
You will waste months even years before they get results.
Otherwise, you can be accompanied by the expert N ° 1.
By trusting Proinfluent®, you access an organized summary of the expertise of Yannick BOUISSIERE who has 8 years of practice!
The Proinfluent® Profile will help you ensures progress with a proven strategy .
While being guided and accompanied , you quickly get your first real results .
Just click the button immediate access to directly access the training.
Take action now and apply the strategies for transform your profile LinkedIn ™ in one page that inspires confidence
Once you get your access to the Pr training ofil Proinfluent®, you immediately benefit from Yannick BOUISSIERE’s expertise .
In a few hours , you can already modify your profile and get the first results quickly on LinkedIn ™ .
Transform your profile now

€ 19
in 12 monthly installments
- 7 effective lessons
- Personalized support in the modules
- 12 months full access
- 1 year update
- "Triple Guarantee 100% Results"
- "Business Guarantee"
- "Guarantee Results"
- "Support Guarantee"
€ 197
in 1 time
- 7 effective lessons
- Personalized support in the modules
- 12 months full access
- 1 year update
- "Triple Guarantee 100% Results"
- "Business Guarantee"
- "Guarantee Results"
- "Support Guarantee"
frequently asked Questions
that you may still be asking yourself:
Is it difficult to apply?
No, it’s easy! By following the training modules, you are guided step by step.
If you have any questions, ask them in the member’s area and the Proinfluent® team will answer you. If necessary, a video response will be made to show you the technical points. Our goal is your success and we do everything we can to support you.
Does it work for BtoB?
Yes, the © Profil Proinfluent® was designed by Yannick BOUISSIERE, marketing expert for professionals. It is designed for all professionals on LinkedIn ™ who wish to improve their visibility and access opportunities on the network.
Will it work in my particular case?
Yes, if your clients are on LinkedIn ™, you can apply the © Profile Proinfluent® to your specific case. It has been designed for all professionals! By following the strategies explained in the program, you transform your profile into a radically more efficient page.
What results can I expect with the Proinfluent® Profile?
By applying the Proinfluent® Profile, you increase your visibility on Google ™ and LinkedIn ™. You transform your LinkedIn ™ profile into a more effective business page that creates the trust necessary for any successful business relationship.
No other method has worked for me. Why would Profil Proinfluent® work?
The Profil Proinfluent® training is not yet another basic training based on filling in the sections of the LinkedIn ™ profile. It helps you gain height in your marketing actions.
Let’s not forget that on LinkedIn ™, we are professionals to gain the trust of a target.
It is first of all a matter of stealthily infiltrating your target’s mind to understand them and then doing whatever it takes for them to find you and have a hardened steel trust in you. Once she realizes that you are the best person to help her, she buys you!
I need time to think. Can I try it later?
Since there are more than 3000 daily visitors to the proinfluent.com site, it is difficult to support these 3000 people individually every day!
This is why this training is reserved for the first 50 registered per month and we reserve the right to withdraw the offer at any time.
Once signed up, you have access to content, support in mod commenting, and updates for a full 12 months, so secure your access now.
Just click on the IMMEDIATE ACCESS button to go directly to the training and start getting the first results.
Transform your profile now

€ 19
in 12 monthly installments
- 7 effective lessons
- Personalized support in the modules
- 12 months full access
- 1 year update
- "Triple Guarantee 100% Results"
- "Business Guarantee"
- "Guarantee Results"
- "Support Guarantee"
€ 197
in 1 time
- 7 effective lessons
- Personalized support in the modules
- 12 months full access
- 1 year update
- "Triple Guarantee 100% Results"
- "Business Guarantee"
- "Guarantee Results"
- "Support Guarantee"