👻Kaspr™: how to improve LinkedIn™ prospecting?


Do you dream of obtaining the emails and telephone numbers of your prospects in one click? Prospecting on LinkedIn™ is your pet peeve? Are you wasting considerable time collecting information about your contacts and you are not making progress? Dream no more, Kaspr™ does it for you! This fabulous tool extracts the information visible on Google™ and sends it to you in less than 5 seconds!

A super easy-to-use intuitive interface, smooth software and customer service available 24/7, here’s how to introduce Kaspr™, an automated prospecting tool on LinkedIn™.

How to improve LinkedIn™ prospecting?

Kaspr™ facilitates prospecting by LinkedIn™ by offering various services: automating searches, connection requests and sending personalized messages as well as quickly collecting contact data.

Discover in this article the key features as well as the prices of Kaspr™, your new ally for prospecting!

Kaspr™ Prospecting LinkedIn™

Concretely, what is Kaspr™?

Kaspr™ is a French tool that allows you to find the contact details of your prospects in 5 seconds. Basically, it’s a Google™ Chrome extension, which gathers and finds the LinkedIn™ contact information you need..

Instead of wasting about ten minutes exploring Google in order to obtain the emails and telephone numbers of your prospects or your leads, Kapsr ™ offers to carry out the searches for you and send them to you in a maximum of 5 seconds. .

Kaspr is looking for information

If you think your prospects or leads are going to be surprised and upset that you are contacting them out of the blue, know that Kapsr is not pirated software. It only finds information that is exposed on Google and visible to everyone. He just extracts them and puts them together quickly. In addition, Kaspr™ complies with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) law, aimed at protecting the data of individuals. You will therefore run no risk in using it.

Kaspr™ has 95% of business and personal emails and 40% of phone numbers. That’s a prodigious wealth of information available to you! At Proinfluent, we use Kaspr™ to find contact information for prospects to call back as part of our LinkedIn™ prospecting. You can try the tool for free here by clicking here, thanks to the partnership with Proinfluent you get 25 extra credits through this link 😉.

We have a Kaspr™ affiliate link that allows you to benefit from 10 additional credits (added within 48 hours), click here to take advantage of it.

(When you click on an affiliate link and buy , we collect a commission which does not affect the price you pay. We’re sharing the link, because we really appreciate the value of the service.)

What are the key features of Kaspr ?

Find the contact details (phone numbers and emails) of your prospects

This is the flagship feature of Kaspr™, the one that greatly contributes to its success: instantly obtain the emails and telephone numbers of your LinkedIn™ prospects . A real ally to save time, Kaspr also allows you to contact your contacts in complete security.

Kaspr™ works as a Chrome extension. She accompanies you discreetly in your research and then intervenes when you need her. It’s very simple, you browse LinkedIn™ and you find an interesting profile. You then want to retrieve their contact details. Simply activate the plugin by clicking on the Kapsr™ icon at the top right, and the contact’s email address and phone number(s) appear.

Then, all you have to do is export it to your CRM tool via HubSpot or Salesforce by clicking on “Add to leads”. Easy right?

Note that you can also opt for the automatic search for leads using the LinkedIn or Sales Navigator filters.

Kaspr™ allows you to collect reliable data on your prospects. Indeed, these are updated regularly in order to obtain ever more efficient and accurate results.

Automate invitations and messages on LinkedIn

Thanks to Kaspr™, you automatically send 50 invitations per day on LinkedIn™ as well as personalized messages.

Kaspr automate LinkedIn prospecting

To schedule connection requests, you must establish a search using a query and the LinkedIn filters. The tool then selects the 50 best results.

Nobody likes talking to a robot, so personalize your message as much as possible, it’s the best way to convert your leads.

Search for people directly on the tool

Indeed, it is possible to search directly on the software, a person. To do this, simply enter their surname, first name and company and you will then obtain their telephone number, email address as well as their website, Instagram™, Facebook™, LinkedIn™ account… A valuable time saver that saves you from searching the net in order to find this information one by one.

In addition to people, you can also search for companies. To do this, enter its domain name and the desired profession.

How much does Kaspr cost?

Three formulas are available: Start-up, Enterprise or Custom.

You can try the tool for FREE, then, thanks to the partnership with Proinfluent you get 25 more credits by going through this link😉 : https://www.kaspr.io/fr/partenaire?fpr=c_proinfluent

Start-up rate

Kaspr tariff
Image source: Kaspr™

This plan allows you to:

  • Search and export contacts ;
  • Manage your leads;
  • Get an overview of your statistics and performance;
  • Switch to team mode by adding users;
  • Benefit from 24/7 assistance.

However, you do not benefit from CRM integration or sales automation tools. That is, to automate contact and personalized messages to your leads.

Enterprise rate

You have access to all the functionalities of Kaspr ™, to you the saving of time thanks to the automation!

Kaspr tariff
Image source: Kaspr™

Custom rate

Surprise! The price of this offer is not communicated online, it is necessary to contact customer service to find out. Nevertheless, this is a plan intended for large companies that wish to subscribe for at least 50 users.

Kaspr tariff
Image source: Kaspr™

What are the credits for?

Kaspr™ works with credits:

  • 1 credit = 1 email
  • 2 credits = 1 email + 1 phone

Note that if the search was unsuccessful, your credits are not debited.

When you choose a formula, take into account the financial aspect, but also the number of credits! It goes from simple to double depending on the price chosen, so be aware of the quantity you need to achieve your goals and generate results!

What are the benefits of Kaspr™?

Kaspr™ is a fluid, fast and reliable French tool that facilitates LinkedIn™ prospecting by automating a part. So the benefits are there.

(The article contains a Kaspr™ affiliate link which allows you to benefit from 10 additional credits added within 48 hours. When you click on an affiliate link and buy, we collect a commission which does not affect the price you pay. We share this link because we really appreciate the service. )

Thanks to it, you save time to devote yourself to your core business and you take no risks, because Kaspr is a tool that complies with the GDPR law. In addition, the team, also French, is caring and available 24/7.

We love the intuitive interface and ease of use of Kaspr . Automate tasks simply and let it search for data for you!

Are you looking for BtoB customers? Do you want to attract 1 to 10 clients per month with the controlled power of LinkedIn™ in 30 minutes a day, without selling? Make an appointment now with a Proinfluent expert who will do a free audit of your business situation.

Kaspr™, how to improve LinkedIn™ prospecting, to conclude

Kaspr™ is a French tool to automate prospecting on LinkedIn™. Its objective is to save you time on the search and conversion of leads into prospects.
  • It is an extension of Google Chrome;
  • It is not pirated software, you only find information that is already present on Google™;
  • You get your leads’ emails and phone numbers in just 5 seconds;
  • Kaspr™ complies with the GDPR law, aimed at protecting the data of individuals;
  • It is possible to automate actions such as sending personalized messages and requests for invitations;
  • 3 formulas are available: Start-up, Enterprise or Custom.

Personally, I recommend this tool to find in 1 click the phone and email addresses of BtoB contacts. It saves a lot of time. Then, you have the decision-maker directly on the line to follow up… See for yourself, try the tool for FREE, then, thanks to the partnership with Proinfluent you get 25 extra credits by going through this link😉: https://www.kaspr.io/fr/partenaire?fpr=c_proinfluent

Kaspr ™, how to improve LinkedIn ™ prospecting to summarize in 4 questions

À quoi ça sert Kaspr™ ?

Kaspr is a LinkedIn ™ prospecting tool that allows you to:

  • Obtain the contact details of your prospects in one click;
  • Export your contact data to a CRM tool or a CSV file;
  • Automate sending personalized messages;
  • Automate up to 50 LinkedIn invitation requests daily;
  • Search for a person or company directly on the platform to obtain their contact details, website, social network accounts…;
  • Save time on prospecting to devote yourself to more interesting tasks.

Comment utiliser Kaspr™ ?

Kaspr is a Google Chrome extension which is represented by a small bubble containing the ghost, company icon. To use it, just click on it and collect the desired information about your contact.

To access the dashboard, this happens in a new tab either:

  • From your search engine. You type Kaspr and you connect;
  • Or from the Google Chrome extensions menu, top right.

Comment récupérer le téléphone de prospects avec Kaspr™ ?

To collect information relating to one or more LinkedIn contacts, start by logging in and then go to your lead’s profile. Click on the Kaspr icon which should be visible on your screen and the data will appear instantly. Finally, export the data to a CRM tool or a CSV file.

Comment prospecter facilement sur LinkedIn™ ?

If you’re new to LinkedIn™ prospecting or just want to save time, consider a LinkedIn prospecting automation tool. This allows you to send personalized messages, invitations, to visit profiles automatically. It is also possible to obtain the contact details in one click and export them to a crm or a csv file. This is what Kaspr offers you, your ally to facilitate and automate prospecting on LinkedIn .

Sources: Kaspr™, ipaidthat

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