Exporting your LinkedIn contacts with emails: effective methods, tools & GDPR
How to export your LinkedIn contacts and emails? Here are the methods & tools to export LinkedIn contacts & emails in good standing with the GDPR
Yannick Bouissière, fondateur de Proinfluent.com, est un expert reconnu en marketing digital et spécialiste de LinkedIn™. Fort de plus d’une décennie d’expérience, il accompagne les professionnels et entreprises dans leur développement commercial grâce aux stratégies digitales et à l’automatisation.
Titulaire du titre Niveau I de « Manager de la Stratégie Commerciale », certifié par l’État français et enregistré au RNCP, il est également triplement diplômé et certifié par l'État.
Son parcours a été marqué par des initiatives audacieuses, notamment son CV en Béton Armé, qui a suscité un buzz médiatique et a été diffusé au Journal Télévisé. Ce concept innovant lui a valu d’être classé parmi les CV les plus originaux de France.
Cette reconnaissance lui a ouvert les portes du Groupe Airbus et du programme de jeunes talents en France. Il a été missionné sur trois postes, dont un à Hong Kong, afin de développer l'innovation et de renforcer les partenariats d'AXA. En France, il a occupé le poste de Responsable Communication et a été primé pour son innovation digitale lors du Hackathon AXA France.
Sa mission : aider les professionnels à se développer en s’appuyant sur les nouvelles technologies pour optimiser leur acquisition client. Il a conçu la Méthode Proinfluent, une approche complète intégrant l’intelligence artificielle, le ciblage précis, les fondamentaux du marketing, la posture de vente, la prospection et l’automatisation.
Reconnus pour leur efficacité et leur accompagnement, Yannick Bouissière et Proinfluent affichent 4,9 étoiles sur Google, avec un taux de satisfaction client de 99 % et plus de 100 témoignages vérifiables. Son expertise est relayée dans de nombreux médias et est présente sur Amazon, YouTube et le blog Proinfluent, qui cumule plus de 1,5 million de visiteurs uniques.
Toujours impliqué auprès de ses clients, Yannick Bouissière continue de partager son savoir à travers des formations interactives et des conseils personnalisés. Il est possible de prendre un rendez-vous d’audit offert directement avec lui.
How to export your LinkedIn contacts and emails? Here are the methods & tools to export LinkedIn contacts & emails in good standing with the GDPR
Démarquez-vous et rendez votre profil LinkedIn™ plus attirant dès les premières lignes. Voici les conseils pour optimiser votre phrase d’accroche LinkedIn™.
Find btob customers in just 5 steps?! This is possible by applying the customer prospecting strategies revealed in this article.
À la recherche d’une solution en ligne pour la génération de nouveaux leads ? Voici notre avis sur Nomination, une plateforme de prospection B2B.
Growth Hacking LinkedIn™, what is it and how to use it to gain power on LinkedIn™? Answer in 7 steps!
Apprenez à gérer, soigner et maîtriser votre e reputation sur le web et les réseaux sociaux, dont LinkedIn™, la plateforme professionnelle incontournable !
Systeme.io avis : ce qu’il faut savoir sur cet outil tout-en-un dédié aux entrepreneurs ! Ses fonctionnalités, ses tarifs, ses limites, ses concurrents.
Découvrez les 13 secrets d’expert Proinfluent pour que votre création de contenu sur LinkedIn™ soit efficace et performante !
Tirez profit du dwell time sur LinkedIn™ et boostez vos publications ! Découvrez les bonnes pratiques pour profiter de la puissance de cet algorithme.
Découvrez les 12 étapes pour trouver des clients en btob, développer votre activité et mettre en place une réelle stratégie de présence digitale !
Quels sont les bénéfices de la formation btob ? Comment peuvent-elles booster votre activité ? Découvrez comment atteinde vos objectifs !
Vous cherchez une stratégie de marketing btob efficace pour développer rapidement votre activité ? Découvrez les méthodes infaillibles dans cet article !
Vous vous demandez comment gagner de l’argent ? Vous cherchez des méthodes, des astuces pour avoir les moyens de vos ambitions. Voici 10 idées simples !
Panne d’inspiration pour rédiger vos email ? Voici un article exemple mail de prospection riche en conseils et modèles pour obtenir des réponses !
A tutorial article to discover how to create a LinkedIn™ survey according to the best practices of the world’s No. 1 professional social network!
Thanks to our LinkedIn™ lead generation article, learn how to generate leads on LinkedIn! All the expert tips are waiting for you!
Call To Action (CTA) stands for “call to action”. How to create effective CTAs? Discover the best practices in this CTA definition article!
Do you consider commercial negotiation as a delicate and difficult step? Become a negotiation expert with our tips and examples!
Are you VDI and looking for new customers? VDI social selling is for you! Learn how to succeed in your business.
Discover the 7 stages of sales and master the btob sales cycle! An essential element to develop your turnover!
Do you want to increase your sales? Boost your teams? Learn the right sales techniques with sales training!
LinkedIn™ newsletter, you’ve read it, but you don’t know how to create your own? Discover our tips and best practices for success!
Find out how to use Phantombuster LinkedIn™, how to find the LinkedIn cookie and what the benefits of this automation tool are!
Do you want to improve your sales cycle? In this article, discover specific advice to avoid the 5 mistakes not to make in BtoB.
Do you want to optimize your email marketing campaigns? Discover the criteria, tips and tricks to boost your opening rate!
Find out how to set up a lead scoring strategy to identify the most qualified prospects and contact them first!
Do you want to create a relationship with leads not yet ready to make a sale? Discover how to apply lead nurturing in BtoB!
Find out how to register and list your services on LinkedIn™ Services Marketplace, the LinkedIn™ professional platform!
Don’t you feel like you’re exhausted in a time-consuming search for customers? Discover our expert advice for effective BtoB prospecting.
Discover the 5 LinkedIn™ KPIs to analyze regularly, in order to measure the effectiveness of your presence strategy on LinkedIn™!
Discover the 5 essential prospecting tools in btob! Thanks to them, save time, target your prospects and automate time-consuming tasks!
Do you want to automate your LinkedIn™ prospecting actions? Here is everything you need to know before buying Waalaxy™ (features, price…)!
What are the effective sales techniques in b2b? Discover 8 infallible methods and expert advice on how to use them well.
What if you let tools do the time-consuming tasks for you? Discover marketing automation and its benefits!
What is a good marketing funnel? How to implement it successfully? So many questions that we will address in this article.
What is closing and what are its benefits? What is the importance of closing in the sales cycle? Find out here how to close your sales!
Find the 7 formidable business techniques in btob in our article and convert your prospects into customers!
Do you dream of obtaining the emails and telephone numbers of your prospects in one click? Discover Kaspr™ your ally in your LinkedIn™ prospecting.
Find in our CV model article, our expert advice to easily create the ideal CV that catches the eye of recruiters!
Discover the most effective negotiation techniques to close your sales in style, thanks to our article Negotiation Strategy!
Do you want to sign more contracts? Discover our 10 expert secrets to ensure a successful client meeting!
In this Lead Generation article, we reveal the keys to effectively attracting your leads and converting them into customers!
Want to boost your sales? Here are 7 tips that can be applied immediately to increase your closing rate in BtoB?
Want to know more about prospecting? Discover the means used by salespeople! Prospecting, defense and advice.
Need to boost your business results? To establish a real effective business development strategy? Tips and tricks in this article!
Is LinkedIn™ messaging private? How to send a voice? Can I delete a message? Answers in our article!
How do I insert a gif into a LinkedIn™ comment, post or message? The answers and more in our LinkedIn™ gif article!
LinkedIn™ dark mode, how to activate it and what are its advantages? Proinfluent reveals the tips for using the trendiest mode of the moment!
How to translate your profile, change the default language and what are the advantages? All the answers in our LinkedIn™ translation article?
How do I view YouTube™ stats and see how much a channel generates? Find all the answers to your questions in this article!
Stop spending hours looking for the right LinkedIn™ logo and icons. Here they are ! Download them in high quality and PNG.
Looking for a job ? Discover our tips and templates to personalize in this LinkedIn™ job search post example article!
How to calculate your engagement rate and above all how to increase it to finally publish posts that generate reactions!
Need to make a business presentation brochure? Discover our 10 tips for an effective commercial brochure!
Learn to master your LinkedIn™ history! Find out how to consult and delete it very simply, thanks to our tutorial article!
Are you looking for advice to boost your marketing strategy? Find out how to take advantage of cross-channel for your business.
You do not understand why your prospecting emails fall into spam or are not read? To increase the ROI of your cold emailing: it’s here!
Increase your conversion rate in 6 simple steps! Here are the expert secrets to performing with the funnel technique.
Do you want to get as many appointments as possible? Read this phone interview guide and discover the 4 foolproof methods.
Do you want to use LinkedIn™ to its full potential? Learn all the cogs? Be accompanied by a LinkedIn™ expert to have all the keys?
Do you want to gain traffic on your LinkedIn™ profile and generate engagement on your posts? Discover the power of LinkedIn™ Pulse!
Do you want to find prospects regularly? Build customer loyalty? What if the solution was in your business strategy?
Discover which type of marketing to adopt among the 7 strategies to boost your business and find new customers!
Need to find new customers? Scraper LinkedIn™ is the method to easily find the contact details of your qualified prospects!
Find out how to tag™ on LinkedIn™ and the best practices to do so in order to boost the visibility of your posts!
Do you want to increase the open rate of your emails? So, it’s simple: make your email object attractive! Here are 5 tips for writing it.
Want to boost your LinkedIn™ account? To be visible ? Stand out? Discover our expert secrets for optimizing your LinkedIn™ profile title!
How to create an effective LinkedIn post? What kind of post works best? When is the best time to post? We tell you everything.
How to make text bold on Facebook? Easily add fat to your Facebook posts with this simple trick!
Looking for LinkedIn learning in French? Want to learn something about LinkedIn? Discover free advice from the LinkedIn expert.
How to post a video on LinkedIn? How to post a video on the social network? Here are 3 ways to post and share a video on LinkedIn.
What is LinkedIn? What is LinkedIn for? Why use LinkedIn? Here are all the easy LinkedIn answers and tips.
➡️ Attract the eye with emoticons? Highlight a word ✋valuate a message ▶ ️ with LinkedIn emojis and emoticons to ✂️copy and paste?
Want to cancel or terminate your LinkedIn Premium subscription? Here’s how to unsubscribe from a LinkedIn Premium account easily and safely.
Why is LinkedIn essential for developing your career? LinkedIn has 575 million profiles worldwide and 16 million in France. Today, most professionals are found on LinkedIn, including employers
LinkedIn profile: follow these 9 tips to gain instant visibility. Easily edit your LinkedIn profile & be visible now!
LinkedIn is now the largest professional social network in the world. Constantly evolving, LinkedIn has now become more popular than ever, with one in three professionals registered on
LinkedIn login: connection to my LinkedIn account. How to connect to your LinkedIn account with your login? By clicking on this link LinkedIn sign in …
Why managers can no longer ignore LinkedIn Managers are of a crucial role within a company. True ambassadors, they represent the company’s brand at all times. They can
When to post on LinkedIn? What is the best day? Find out when to post on LinkedIn to get maximum likes and engagement!
Follow the tutorial to delete a LinkedIn relationship and or block someone on Linkedin. Find out how to do it with our Linkedin tutorial.
How to manage your personal brand on LinkedIn? LinkedIn is more than 575 million users with 200,000 people who register every day on the network. How to distinguish
How to properly reference your profile on LinkedIn and Google? Unlike Facebook or Twitter, your LinkedIn profile is referenced on the Google search engine. As soon as you
LinkedIn: from its origins to today, discover its history. LinkedIn is today the most popular professional social network with an average of 1 in 3 registered professionals worldwide.
LinkedIn or Viadeo? Linkedin, created in 2003 in the United States, and Viadeo, created in 2004 in France, both aim to help professionals get in touch with other
How to see a LinkedIn profile without being seen (LinkedIn private mode)? This article shows you how to see a profile without being seen. For view a LinkedIn
After a computer crash I had to reinstall Microsoft Office , essential to write my LinkedIn tips and LinkedIn articles . I then tried to escape the monthly
How do I post an article on LinkedIn? How to post on the LinkedIn blog? Follow the Proinfluent LinkedIn tutorial in French
Post articles on LinkedIn : advantages and disadvantages Generating new prospects, increasing your traffic, developing your personal brand and your network, can be a more or less difficult
The 10 mistakes to avoid on LinkedIn Achieving your ambitious goals requires not making blunders, here is my selection of the 10 mistakes not to make on LinkedIn.
How to get LinkedIn Premium for free and easily? That’s the question. Here are the 3 methods to get LinkedIn Premium for free!
How do you see who has viewed your LinkedIn profile? How do I access “Who viewed my profile”? Here is the easy tutorial from Proinfluent.
LinkedIn’s “Mentioned in the News” feature, which allowed for media mention, was withdrawn following complaints.
How to make money with LinkedIn? Here are the 5 ways to make money on the internet with LinkedIn.
What is the price of a LinkedIn Premium account? Which of the 4 premium LinkedIn subscriptions to choose? Here are the reviews & prices of premium LinkedIn accounts.
Today on your LinkedIn profile, the “reactions” features allow you to provide feedback on posts like Facebook
▶ ️How to create a LinkedIn company page (VS showcase page)? How to animate it & what to post? Here is the ultimate guide to the LinkedIn Business Page.
#SocialSellingForum de Montpellier 2019: relive the event in video! Hello the Proinfluent community, I am pleased to meet you for a new video in report-vlog format. Today I
Inviting your LinkedIn contacts and relations to follow and join your LinkedIn company page is now possible! Find out how here …
How to download a LinkedIn video? Here are the 2 methods to easily download and retrieve a video found on LinkedIn.
What are the tips for a perfect LinkedIn profile picture? ▶ ️ Here are the 20 secrets of a professional and effective LinkedIn profile picture.
What is personal branding & self-marketing? How to do Personal Branding with LinkedIn? Here are the personal branding coach’s advice.
LinkedIn’s Social Selling Index (SSI)? Where can you find your SSI score? What is it used for ? Here’s how to get a handle on LinkedIn’s social selling index.
How much time does a recruiter spend on your CV? What is a recruiter looking at on your CV & LinkedIn? Here are the results of the analysis of their looks.
Freelance or self-employed? Do you know Freebe? Here is the interview of the founder of the tool that simplifies the management of your micro-business.
How do I see a LinkedIn profile without an account? How do I view a LinkedIn profile without logging into an account? The simple answer from the LinkedIn expert.
New in LinkedIn 2019: Live video is coming to LinkedIn. Video is the format that hits the mark on LinkedIn, you will now be able to go further
? Here are the 10 keys to having more subscribers on your LinkedIn business page, a real showcase for your business on LinkedIn !?
Are you a young graduate or student and want to find a job? Do you have little experience? Here are 10 tips for finding a job.
Why and how to put your LinkedIn profile in another language or in English? Putting your LinkedIn profile in English becomes easy with this tutorial.
What is LinkedIn Learning? What is the price of LinkedIn Learning in French? What course do we find there? Is there a (free) alternative?
How to attract recruiters to LinkedIn – Video tutorial Video transcript: Hello to you, here Yannick B, LinkedIn expert and founder of Proinfluent. Today we meet to show
Find out how to organize a LinkedIn event with the complete LinkedIn Events tutorial, and unite your network around a particular event.
How to add your CV on LinkedIn? How to insert and promote your CV on LinkedIn. Tutorial: 3 easy ways to add it on LinkedIn.
Cock-a-doodle Doo ! France and French-speaking specialists do not have to be ashamed since they now have their own Top 25 of the best specialists in social selling …
Posting on LinkedIn is important to be visible. What and when to post on LinkedIn? Here is the guide to posting on LinkedIn effectively.
Commercial brochure: discover with examples of effective presentation brochures and design how to create your commercial brochure!
Looking for how to use LinkedIn, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, I’ll share 28 expert tips for using LinkedIn well.
What is LinkedOut? What is the relationship between LinkedOut & LinkedIn? How does LinkedOut work? Where to access the profiles? The answers here.
Digital nomad: video and technical equipment, financial investment, well-being, healthy lifestyle … Find all my tips to be a leader.
Although this is not the only element to generate opportunities on LinkedIn, it is the foundation of your success, because it is your professional showcase available 24/7 all over the world.
The ROI or ROI is the return on investment. How to calculate it? Here is the definition and an example of ROI calculation.
How to contact LinkedIn? Discover all the ways to contact LinkedIn to answer your questions and send your comments to the social network.
Tutorial: how to install the LinkedIn pixel or LinkedIn insight tag? What is it used for ? Measure the statistics of your visitors with the LinkedIn pixel.
LinkedIn hashtags: everything you need to know to use hashtags on LinkedIn! What are they, where to put them and how to use them?
Work on your elevator pitch to sell yourself. Discover the framework of the elevator pitch, its structure, my advice & examples of presentation pitches
How to complete your student or recent graduate LinkedIn profile? Students: Follow the Complete Guide to Creating the Perfect Student LinkedIn Profile!
Find out if your LinkedIn profile title sucks. In this article: What Makes a Good Headline, Common Mistakes & a LinkedIn Headline Example …
Graphic charter example: discover through our practical guide and our expert advice what a graphic charter consists of!
To get your career, your sales and your goals off the ground, discover the LinkedIn coach’s guide, to be supported and succeed on LinkedIn!
Discover MOO, an online design business card publishing site. What make you stand out with MOO design and high-end business cards.
Facebook ™ Emoji Catch the eye with copy-and-paste Facebook ™ emojis? ✋ Highlight, enhance and structure with Facebook ™ emojis! ?
Discover how to create an unforgettable slogan thanks to 7 expert tips, concrete examples and a simple and effective methodology!
Do you have to accept LinkedIn invitations? Is it relevant to accept requests & invitations? Here is the innovative Reflex method to find out quickly.
Story Pins: Pinterest launches its new image format! Find out how the Inspiration Network differs with Story Pins.
What format of LinkedIn video? What weight of LinkedIn video? What dimensions and what size? Here’s everything you need to know about the LinkedIn video
Business card format: we help you define the best format for your business card. Follow our expert advice!
Your job search will be made easier with this selection of the 10 job boards to find a job in 2020. The 10th jobboard will surprise you!
Business card example: 11 creative card designs to inspire you! Find the template that suits you to create your original business card
Discover the PESTEL analysis: the essential tool for your marketing strategy. The PESTEL method identifies the influences that weigh on your market.
Press Kit: We help you write your press kit through our expert advice to get media coverage quickly!
Discover our 8 expert secrets to increase your turnover with partnerships! Exchange of visibility, pooling of skills …
Should you advertise on LinkedIn Ads? Better Google Ads or LinkedIn Ads? Which LinkedIn Ads format to choose and why? Here is the complete guide!
Url of a website: find our definition, our examples and our expert advice to optimize your natural referencing.
Salesperson Skills: In this article, we give you the 20 salesperson skills to add to your LinkedIn ™ profile.
Community manager price: The price of a community manager varies according to his experience or his status. Find examples in the article.
Considering taking a LinkedIn Ads training to prospect on LinkedIn? Find out the best way to achieve your business goals!
Find out how to make a BCG matrix to set your priorities in terms of investment and marketing strategy on a range of products.
Do you know about remarketing? It is an effective web marketing strategy to increase sales and generate more leads. Find out about remarketing.
Follow-up mail: 7 examples and expert secrets to relaunch professionals! Find in our article our examples of follow-up emails.
Thank you mail: advice and concrete examples. Follow our expert advice to write your thank you emails and make a difference!
Why be on LinkedIn ™? Discover 8 reasons to be present on LinkedIn ™, THE channel to develop your professional opportunities.
How do I request a recommendation on LinkedIn? How to request the recommendation? Follow the tutorial with sample message to request a recce.
Flyers: flyer templates and examples for successful flyers! Follow our expert advice to make a difference to your future customers!
Do you want to grow your network? Send a personalized LinkedIn invitation! Be inspired with these 15 LinkedIn invitation samples.
Prospecting training on LinkedIn: discover the tips for prospecting in BtoB. Access the key elements of prospecting training on LinkedIn.
Find a job with LinkedIn ™ : the 10 steps In the digital age, many recruiters scrutinize CVs online.Gone are the days when employers were cluttered with paper
What is LinkedIn InMail? How much does a LinkedIn InMail cost? Check out an example of InMail’s LinkedIn errors and best practices.
How to have a perfect LinkedIn profile? How to have a good LinkedIn efficient, professional and salesman? Here are the 10 steps to follow.
LinkedIn Live: how to make live video on LinkedIn? What tools to use and how to broadcast live? Discover the FULL TUTORIAL.
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