Is your LinkedIn™ content generating little to no interaction? Are you getting into LinkedIn™ content creation, but don’t know how? Proinfluent gives you the following 13 expert secrets for creating content on LinkedIn™ :
- Define your editorial line;
- Target your audience;
- Choose the types of content ;
- Finding a short and catchy title;
- Writing quality content ;
- Structuring the content ;
- Humanize the text ;
- Placing visuals;
- Talking about your customers;
- Placing hashtags;
- Optimize the content;
- Add a CTA ;
- Analyze your performance.

Content creation, definition
Content creation, also called content marketing, is the creation of attractive and optimized web content. The distribution of your content is part of a communication strategy and allows you to distinguish yourself, to be visible on the Internet. The final objective of this marketing practice is to attract prospects to convert them into customers or also to maintain the attachment to the brand of existing customers.
It is possible to create several types of content:
- White paper ;
- Blog post ;
- Podcast;
- Social media posting;
- Comments on social media or forums;
- Website;
- Video;
- Image, photo ;
- Job offers.
Creating content on LinkedIn™
On LinkedIn™, creating content is indeed a great communication strategy. In fact, the world’s most powerful professional social network is home to over 800 million members and 57 million businesses! Developing a content marketing strategy on LinkedIn™ is an effective way to:
- Boost the visibility of your profile or your company page;
- Improve your brand awareness;
- Animate and engage your community;
- Present your activity and your skills;
- Expand your network;
- Attract leads, partners and prospects
- Find professional or commercial opportunities.
However, in order to set up a successful content strategy, there are some rules to follow in terms of content creation. Proinfluent reveals them to you in the following article!

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Content creation, 13 tips for creating content on LinkedIn™
1. Define your editorial line
Before you start writing content, determine what your editorial line is, that is to say, what is the subject, the theme addressed in your posts. It is also possible to choose several (two or three) that complement each other. Of course, your editorial line must be directly related to your activity.
For example, you are a trainer of btob marketing automation software. Your editorial line is about digital marketing, its benefits, the mistakes to avoid, etc.
Be aware that your LinkedIn™ page or profile is a reflection of your business! You present your services and expertise through your profiles and also your content. To get a 100% professional showcase, don’t spread yourself thin on inconsistent themes!
Need a helping hand to optimize your LinkedIn™ profile? Come to our 100% free workshop “Expert Secrets to Create a Profile that Brings You Opportunities (Clients, Contracts, Jobs, Business…)”.
2. Targeting your audience
In content marketing, it is essential to know exactly who you are addressing. Definitely don’t try to please everyone! After all, your customers represent a certain portion of LinkedIn™ users. They are the ones you need to attract and seduce!
Start by asking yourself who your services or products are intended for. What are the problems of the prospects who are asking you for help? What are their needs, their expectations in relation to the product? For example, they are customers who want to boost their website traffic and attract more visitors. Or they are clients who want to establish a content strategy in order to develop their business.

So when writing your LinkedIn™ content, think about your audience and what information they might be interested in!
Learn how to define your target audience with the buyer persona!
3. Choose the type of content
On LinkedIn™, there are several types of content that can be delivered. Depending on your company’s industry, some perform better than others. On the other hand, some types of media are more effective because they grab users. This is especially true of videos, because they start automatically and carousels, because they are interactive.
Here are the different types of publications offered by LinkedIn™:
- Simple post;
- Article ;
- Newsletter ;
- Survey ;
- Video ;
- Native text ;
- Carousel ;
- Text with image ;
- Text with PDF file.
To create a dynamic page, it is advisable to alternate between several of them. However, it depends on your project and your company. The most classic form is indeed the native post which contains text and sometimes an image. As for the article, it is recommended to deepen a subject and demonstrate the extent of your expertise. It’s up to you to choose the ones you think are the most relevant!
4. Find a short and catchy title
No matter what type of media you choose, coming up with an attractive headline is indeed paramount to hitting the mark. LinkedIn™ news feeds are inundated with posts, standing out is essential to get your prospects’ attention!
So, focus on relevant phrases and take the time to question yourself. Ask yourself if the title you choose would captivate you and if it is sufficiently relevant to your content.

Don’t be afraid to use shocking phrases such as, “Why LinkedIn™ is a scam” or “The day I landed 5 business appointments!”
5. Write quality content
It is obvious! In marketing, choose consistency and quality over quantity.
- Rely on high value-added posts to generate interactions. Getting comments, likes and shares is also a way to increase your visibility on social networks!
- Publish content regularly to stay visible to your target audience.
6. Structuring the content
No one wants to read a 300 line book, even if the title is intriguing! If the content must be qualitative, the presentation of your content is also important. To avoid discouraging readers, think about structuring your text and making it as clean as possible!

Here’s a list of tips to help you structure your LinkedIn™ posts:
- Form small paragraphs of 1 to 3 lines;
- Skip lines to air out;
- Use emojis, emoticons, check marks, or separators to structure (e.g. ➤ ■ ✓✗) ;
- Insert bulleted lists.
7. Humanize the content
If possible, add emojis in your post to make it more friendly 😊. These contents are usually more appreciated, but again, it depends on your target!
Emojis should complement your text and help make it more attractive. However, don’t overuse them! Unlike Instagram™, LinkedIn™ remains a professional social network. It is not your friends who read your content, but your future clients or partners! So place emojis sparingly.
8. Placing visuals
It’s a well-known fact that a picture is worth a thousand words! If you publish a native LinkedIn™ article or post, accompany it with one or more visuals. In addition to greatly contributing to the quality of the content, illustrations such as diagrams also help make the post more understandable.
Be careful though, to bring a real plus to your content, choose a striking photo, related to the topic of your post. Also remember to use the recommended LinkedIn™ format of 1200 x 627 pixels.
9. Talk about your readers
In content marketing, the topics of your content must be carefully chosen. The fatal mistake is to talk only about you, your brand, your services, etc. Of course, it is normal that your company is at the heart of your content strategy, but leave room for other subjects that respect your editorial line.
Instead, put your customers and their needs in the spotlight! Write a post on a trendy topic or on the fears of your visitors. Show them that you are truly interested in their project and that your goal is their success!
10. Placing hashtags
Don’t be afraid to change your habits and place hashtags at the end of your content! They are important to extend the reach of your post and make it more visible on LinkedIn™. However, it’s not about writing just any hashtag to get more views!

Always choose hashtags that are related to your content. This gives you credibility, but it’s also a way to attract new prospects who subscribe to that query.
Moreover, placing too many hashtags is absolutely not recommended. Ideally, you should put between 3 to 5 hashtags per publication.
Hashtags should be short and concise to remain readable. For example, instead of #proinfluentmethods to find customers in 30 minutes a day, use #proinfluentmethods.
Find our expert tips for understanding the hashtag on LinkedIn™ and reaping the benefits it generates here!
11. Optimize your content
In content marketing, optimization is absolutely essential! A content written without optimization will not be visible on the Internet, but this is precisely the goal of a content strategy: to become visible on the web, so that prospects can easily identify your brand.
The optimization of a content goes through several elements like :
- Choose a key word or phrase and use it in the title as well as the body of the text;
- Place a visual related to the post;
- Add hashtags.
12. Add a CTA
CTA stands for Call To Action, which means that it calls the reader to act. It is the little sentence that tells the user to “Click here”, “Take advantage of a free month” or “Subscribe to the newsletter”. Several actions are possible such as visiting your website, downloading your white paper, making an appointment or commenting on the publication for example.
So your LinkedIn™ content should always contain a CTA to engage your community! You can also simply ask a question at the end of the post, “What about you, what do you think of (…)? Share your views in the comments”.
13. Analyze performance
When implementing a content marketing strategy on LinkedIn™, do a performance review to see what types of posts and topics work best.
You can track the following metrics:
- number of views or impressions of posts ;
- number of profile views;
- engagement rate;
- number of subscribers;
- the SSI (social selling index).
Performance indicators help you measure your content marketing actions.
Want to use the potential of LinkedIn™ but don’t know where to start? Come discuss it with a Proinfluent Consulting Manager in a complimentary (no obligation) strategy session by directly selecting a time slot that works for you.
Création de contenu pour conclure
- Define your editorial line;
- Target your audience;
- Choose or try several types of content that fit your company and its values;
- Find a short and attractive title to captivate readers and make you stand out;
- Always write quality content! This will prove your credibility and skills;
- Structure your content with headings, paragraphs and line breaks to make readers want to read your post;
- Humanize your text by placing some emojis if your activity allows it;
- Place visuals whenever possible. For example, in a LinkedIn™ article or text. An image is worth a thousand words and helps to beautify your publication ;
- Make your customers the protagonists of your content! Don’t always praise your products;
- Place hashtags to extend the reach of the post;
- Optimize your content to be easily visible on search engines;
- Add a CTA to get readers to take action;
- Analyze your performance and identify the most successful content.
Content creation to summarize in 5 questions
What is a content creator?
A content creator is first and foremost a professional who knows and masters the best practices related to the type of content he produces. For example, a video professional is familiar with the tools, but also the rules to follow to publish a quality, attractive and well referenced video. A skilled writer is able to write an article that is enjoyable to read, informative and optimized. The use of software like Google analytics™ is part of his daily routine.
How to create digital content?
To create digital content, first define the type of content you want to distribute. It could be a video, a blog post, an eCommerce product sheet or a survey for example. Then write it in a way that makes it attractive and as educational as possible. Also think about optimizing it according to the criteria of search engines, so that it is visible on the Internet. This is what we call natural referencing.
What is digital content?
Digital content is a type of content that can be found on the internet. On websites or social networks for example. There are indeed many types of content such as white papers, blog posts, social media publications or podcasts for example.
Digital content is generally part of a content marketing strategy and allows a company to gain visibility on search engines. Prospects come to companies by easily locating them thanks to their content.
How to make quality content?
Content creation is a delicate balance between optimized content and educational content. You need to gather the most relevant data in order to offer a quality article, in which your customers learn something.
However, you should also consider your search engine positioning. A website on the first page of Google™ results indeed sees its traffic increase strongly. Knowing and applying the rules of natural referencing is therefore essential in content marketing.
Why create content on LinkedIn™?
Creating content for LinkedIn™ is an effective way to:
- Boost the visibility of your profile or your company page;
- Improve your credibility and reputation;
- Engage and animate your community;
- Present your activity and your skills;
- Develop your professional network and your audience;
- Attract qualified leads;
- Find new opportunities (contracts, clients, business, jobs…)