What is the closing? Definition and principle


Finalize a sale in style and convert a prospect into a customer? This is possible thanks to the closing! So what is closing ? Find out what this method consists of and how to apply it to effectively reap the fruit of your labor: the signing of a contract!

What is the closing? Definition and principle

What are the origins of closing?

Closing is an English term meaning “closing”. This is the last phase of the sales process. The closing comes from the United States and more generally, from North America. If in France this English term is little known, in America, it is a very popular way to conclude a sale.

It must be said that the closing techniques have proven themselves! What is a closer and how can it help you sell your product? Answer in a moment!

What are the principles of closing?

The telephone, the closer’s main tool for convincing

Closing meetings take place almost exclusively by telephone or videoconference.

Why ? Quite simply so that the closer can intervene with several companies in a single day. The barriers of geographical location do not exist, the closer can take care of the closing for a Parisian company then another in Bordeaux in the same morning.

In addition, customers are not always in the same country as the sellers, so telephone and video are tools that allow closers to do their job regardless of where they live. Be careful, the time difference is still to be taken into account!

What is the closing?

The closing, the human being at the heart of the sale

The conclusion of a negotiation is his favorite field! He knows the most formidable closing techniques and he establishes a relaxed and professional atmosphere until the conclusion and the last moments of the sale.

The human is central, as at each stage of the sales process. Today, with the explosion of offers on the market, it is trust and people that make the difference.

Listening, the closer identifies with precision the main need of the prospect in order to boost the value of your article in his eyes and prove its benefits. This job improves your customer conversion rate and increases your turnover.

The result ? An entrepreneur delighted with his purchase and your growing business , thanks to the regular acquisition of new customers!

Concretely, what is the closing?

Closing is an American expression meaning “closing”. This is the last phase of the b2b sales process, the one that designates the finalization of a transaction. This is a delicate step, because it involves closing the sale with the prospect in order to make them a new customer. Be careful, however, the objective is always to obtain a win-win contract. The closer does not seek to sell at any price. His role is to help the client.

The closing technique applies to all companies wishing to increase their income. Sale of high-end products, training or services, each entrepreneur can boost his activity thanks to the closing.

What is the closing

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What is a closer and what does it do?

The job of closer consists in intervening during the finalization of a sale. Concretely, the closer comes into play when you reach the closing phase!

He is there to help you win the contract and convert the prospect into a customer. It occurs at the end of your sales tunnel during one or more appointments with a hot prospect, that is to say, interested in your services and products.

What is the closing?

The closer will speak with him by phone or video to listen to his needs, provide additional information, present the offers, remove the last blockages and facilitate the sale. He uses closing frames to serve as a telephone interview guide . He makes every effort to satisfy the client and the company for which he negotiates.

A job that requires training in sales techniques and human qualities

The job of closer requires training in closing because, like a salesperson, he must know sales techniques, but also establish a relationship of trust with the prospect.

The closer is a pro in sales and human relations. He does not manage prospecting or canvassing, but he must be able to continue a sale initiated by a salesperson (or an automated sales funnel) and finalize it until the contract is signed!

Know the main need of the person and the difficulties he encounters, his motivations for buying and his blockages. Nothing escapes the closer who takes note of all the information related to the client file.

Like a btob salesperson , the closer must have certain human qualities:

  • excellent interpersonal skills;
  • a polished professional image;
  • perseverance;
  • empathy;
  • and a developed sense of listening.

Indeed, being a closer is above all a consulting business, where communication and research into the needs (via questions) of the client take precedence over everything else, even sales. This means that a closer can completely refuse the sale if he cannot help his client, because it is the satisfaction of the latter that takes precedence!

Do you have to be bilingual to be closer?

Speak several languages, at least English is recommended to be closer. Indeed, you apply closing techniques in order to finalize a sale, regardless of the geographical location of the potential customer.

The closer works almost exclusively by telephone, which means that you may be required to negotiate on behalf of a multinational or a company wishing to export to the United States, for example.

What is the closing?

Several possible legal statuses to exercise this profession

To exercise the profession of closer, several statuses are possible: being an employee within the company or self-employed, that is to say, becoming your own business manager.

The closer freelancer

The independent closer is paid on commission, around 10 to 20% on the sale he makes.

As a freelancer, you enjoy a certain freedom. You choose :

  • Your schedules. For example, as you work remotely, you can practice from home or travel while continuing to receive your income.
  • Your customers !

This status may not be suitable for everyone. After all, not everyone wants to be a business owner. In addition, the absence of a fixed income which can cause some stress due to financial instability.

What is the closing?

The closer in business

The closer can be an employee, hired by an agency, a company or an influencer. In this specific case, he generally works 35 hours a week for a salary that varies considerably according to his level of training and experience. If the constraints of hierarchy and schedules are present, the closer employee benefits from several advantages such as receiving a fixed financial income, regardless of the situation in which the company finds itself.

This activity is not very widespread in France, however, in view of the advantages it provides to business leaders, the profession of closer will certainly experience strong development in the coming years.

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What is the closing to conclude

Closing is an Anglo-American expression which means “to close”. In marketing, closing refers to the finalization of a sale or the signing of a contract. It is therefore a sales technique to conclude a transaction. Here are the takeaways:
  • Closing was born in North America. It is a formidable technique to convert a prospect into a customer.
  • The closer designates the person who applies the closing techniques. He works mostly remotely, by videoconference.
  • The closer excels in the closing phase, in order to finalize the sale with professionalism.
  • The closer can work for a company as an employee, or work as a self-employed person.
  • Like the commercial, the closer must possess several human qualities in order to establish a relationship of trust with his customers. The sense of relational, empathy, the sense of listening and perseverance are essential. In addition, the closer must take care of his physical image in order to make a good impression on his client.
  • Finally, speaking several languages, including English, is recommended to negotiate and finalize a sale under the best possible conditions. Indeed, the client with whom he negotiates may be abroad.

What is the closing to summarize in 4 questions

What is closing?

In marketing, the closing, which means “to close”, corresponds to the last phase of the sales cycle. The closing business is called closer. This is a person involved when finalizing the sale, in order to implement closing techniques. The purpose of the closer is to conclude the sale under the best conditions so that the product meets the customer’s needs and the company increases its income.

What is a Closer?

A closer is a person whose job is to conclude a negotiation by signing a contract or buying a product. A closer can have employee status or work on his own, as a self-employed person.

How is a closer paid?

The closer is a profession that has several remuneration systems:

  • When hired by an agency or an influencer, the closer receives a fixed salary, generally based on 35 hours per week. The salary varies according to several criteria such as experience.
  • If he is his own boss, the closer is paid the commission on the sales he makes. In this case, the percentage of the commission varies between 10 to 20%.

Why do closing?

The closing is a technique allowing to excel in the finalization of a sale. There are many advantages to working as a closer:

  • Work for yourself if you opt for self-employed status;
  • Choose your customers and the products to defend;
  • Be free to practice from the place of your choice, because the job of closer is largely carried out remotely;
  • Have a dynamic profession with human contact.

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