Often perceived as “intrusive” or even “old school”, BtoB phoning still remains the most used method for prospecting. A simple and effective method for bonding with the decision maker, securing an appointment and, the holy grail, selling your product or service. But for that, telephone prospecting requires having established a good upstream strategy. How do you think your colleague manages to get regular appointments? He simply worked his script and his phoning frame . Getting organized, planning and adapting are all processes to take ownership in order to maximize your chances. Now it’s your turn to have a foolproof frame to effectively increase your conversion rate.

Why do phoning?
BtoB phoning remains today one of the most effective means to promote your business and promote its Business Development . Simple to set up and inexpensive, telephone prospecting consists of making contact and finding the right interlocutor.
One of the other advantages of phoning is distinguish between leads and prospects present in your prospecting file. By coming into direct contact with the person, you thus know his interest for your product or your service. Is this person ready to take the purchase step or does he need to be reassured with additional information? By taking the time to ask the right questions, you collect the right information to complete your database.

Once your leads and prospects have been identified, you tailor your speech according to their degree of maturity and their interest in your product or service. This gives you an idea of what to do with your potential customers.
The phone call finally makes it possible to reconnect who gradually got lost, putting his voice back and the human at the center. This approach is part of a loyalty process which reassure the final decision-maker because he identified you.
How to do phoning?
As you can see, telephone prospecting is absolutely essential in your prospecting plan since it is ideal for obtaining qualified prospects and boosting your commercial performance . But as for a competition, it takes preparation . As a salesperson, it is important to have defined your prospecting strategy upstream. Let’s see how to set it up and how to deploy it!
Make a good impression with an irresistible pitch
During a first date, you generally prepare your outfit in advance and the discussion topics that you are going to discuss. You rehearse your introductory speech so that you don’t forget anything. You know it deep inside you, it’s your unique chance to make a good impression . Because from the first seconds of a meeting, your interlocutor decides whether or not he continues the adventure with you.
In telephone prospecting, it’s exactly the same! You only have one chance to make a good impression with your new prospect. He does not know you yet, does not know anything about you, does not know the object of your call. Rather than a classic, tasteless speech written by one of your colleagues, change your speech! Make your sales pitch a formidable ally by relying on the “elevator pitch” technique . This technique, also called “speech from the elevator “, Consists in relying on decisive moments when everything is played out.
As a salesperson, you know that everything can change when you are close to achieving your goal. It should also be felt in your speech! You are THE right person, THE solution your prospect has been waiting for. You have to make a strong impression and be remembered. This is the secret of an irresistible pitch: know how to make yourself indispensable for your interlocutor. Define and use the keywords likely to capture his attention based on the information at your disposal.
The prospecting file: a gold mine of information
Your prospecting file is a gold mine, comprising a lot of data about your prospects , as long as you take the time to make the most of it. Thanks to this file, you have all the important information such as the name and first name of your contact, his telephone number, his e-mail and his position within the company. It also includes, when it is correctly provided, information relating to your previous exchanges.
If you are missing data concerning him, do not hesitate to him To ask questions during your telephone conversations. This allows you to confirm the information you have on your file or to complete and update it. Also consider using social networks like LinkedIn ™. Learn about your prospect by visiting their profile to complete and qualify your prospecting database.
By relying on the information you have on each of your targets, adjust your sales pitch. As mentioned above, each prospect is not necessarily at the same stage of research. Like a chameleon, adapt to your interlocutor. Identify the points of friction, his doubts, his objections and reassure him. Remember that you are THE solution to his problem. Your offer, like your speech, must suit his needs.
The CROC method, your ally to create your phoning frame
Now that we have laid the foundations with your sales pitch and your prospecting file, it is high time to prepare your phoning. A good telephone prospecting session requires a telemarketing frame that serves as a guide. To do this, use a method well known in prospecting: the CROC method .
C for Contact
This is your first contact with your prospect, that moment when you need to make a good impression on yourself. Introduce yourself distinctly so the person can know who you are and what company you represent. Then make sure the person is available to trade. Otherwise, make a phone appointment so as not to miss out on a potential client, and do not hesitate to provide them with various information such as your website, so that they can start their research on their own. .
R for Reason
What are you calling him for? Why does he have to give you time and listen to you? This is when your irresistible pitch kicks in. You have to capture your prospect’s attention , arouse his curiosity to make him want to know more.
Once his attention has been won, begin your telephone interview by going through the classic phases of the sale (discovery, listening, reformulation, proposal).

O for Objective
What is the goal you want to achieve at the end of this call? Imagine all the possible scenarios! So prepare the arguments to be used and your responses to any objections. Whether it’s a simple contact or information on their needs, know how to focus on achieving your goal.
C for Conclusion
Conclude your call rephrasing all the answers during your interview and take your leave, ending with a polite phrase.
By using the CROC method, you thus have a foolproof phoning script to rely on. You no longer leave anything to chance and you are fully in control of your BtoB commercial prospecting.
Our advice for a foolproof commercial phoning
Tip # 1: Make your sales pitch yours
Your pitch is ready. You know it by heart for having said it over and over again. You know you have it under control at your fingertips. Corn did you manage to make it your own , or do you just recite it automatically like a school poem?
Let’s take an example: you receive a call. It is a canvassing company. On the phone, a call center agent tells you his offer. His voice is monotonous, he speaks and continues his pitch without much conviction. You’ve heard his speech dozens of times, so you barely listen to him and quickly cut the call off. This situation is familiar to you, isn’t it?
Whether in BtoB prospecting or even in a meeting with your client, your commercial speech must be alive . You have to bring it to life in a way that exhibits it naturally. Practice in front of your mirror or with an outside person. Develop your pitch and shape it to your image.
To read : Skills of a Sales Representative: The 20 Most Anticipated Skills to Add to Your LinkedIn ™ Profile.
Tip # 2: speak eloquently, smile and listen
The tone of your voice and the posture you adopt are all things to consider during your teleprospection. Also prefer a quiet place not to recall the atmosphere of call centers. Then be sure to speak clearly with a calm and confident voice . It is often said that a smile is felt when you are on the phone. So, be smiling! Take the time to articulate and tune in moments of pause to catch your breath. For this, prefer short sentences. Finally, practice active listening and let the other person do the talking. By listening attentively to your prospect, you thus gather valuable information.

Tip # 3: ban technical terms
You know your business and your products inside out. While this is a good thing, you also risk using technical jargon when interacting with your prospects. Is this a good point? No.
During your commercial prospecting, ban technical terms of your vocabulary. You are not there to demonstrate your expertise, but to offer a solution to the needs of your prospects. So do evidence of patience and pedagogy . Take the time to explain things with simple vocabulary so your prospect understands what you are talking about. By going along with them and putting yourself in their shoes, you gain their trust and attention.
Tip 4: Involve your contact person in the project
Whether for a small or large project, your prospect needs know where he will set foot . Because it is not his project, but YOUR project to both. You are here for the accompany in its construction . Project it using positive words, colorful expressions to justify your point. Ask him open-ended questions to help him project himself. The idea is that, mentally, the prospect already takes a first step towards the service or the product.
Do not hesitate to use several open questions, in order to collect information on which you can rely to bounce back or restart the conversation. You show your interest in the prospect and in his project.
Examples of phoning arguments
Introduce yourself to your future client
Hello Marie ! Here Yannick from the company Proinfluent. Thank you for your time today for our interview. A quick question before we start, how did you know me?
Recall the context of your call and the course of your interview
If I am calling you today, it is above all to get to know you better. How is it going to happen ? First of all, I’m going to ask you a few questions. Subsequently, and depending on what you have answered me, I will present the best solution for you. At the end of our interview, I will give you time to reflect and tell me whether or not you want us to continue together. Is all this clear to you?
Ask open-ended questions to learn more about your prospect and their business
Could you tell me a little more about your business? What are the means used by your salespeople to prospect? How many leads do you generate per month? What are your goals and the results you want to achieve in 6 months?
Rephrase the words
So, if I understood correctly, you want to harness the full potential of LinkedIn ™. However, due to lack of time, you want to be supported and outsource your prospecting, is that right?
Present your solution with concrete examples
As a prospecting expert on LinkedIn ™ , my goal is to help you achieve your goals on this network. I was like you not that long ago, you know. These techniques, I have used them myself before sharing them with you through my training.

Discover the LinkedIn prospecting ™ Outsourced and start collecting qualified leads.
Alternatives to BtoB phoning
According to a Rain Group study, it takes on average 8 exchanges to reach your prospect and generate a conversion. And while the phone is the most popular method used by sales reps, there are alternatives. These are completely complementary and are part of the continuity of your BtoB telephone prospecting campaign.
Email marketing
Email marketing consists of send targeted and personalized emails to potential customers. This effective method allows you to reach people en masse, but also to continuously generate leads.
As with teleprospection, it is necessary to have taken the time to establish a strategy upstream. Make sure you have the correct information such as contact name, contact details and consent. Your message must correspond to a person’s profile. So be sure to segment your prospects by creating different mailing lists.

Regarding the form of your message, use the AIDA method ( Attention, Interest, Desire, Action ) to write it. You have to pick up your interlocutor from the subject of the email and keep his attention while reading it. Personalize your approach from the start by mentioning the person’s name, for example. This little attention increases the click-through rate by 14% and conversions by 10%.
Prospecting takes time. By opting for commercial outsourcing , you save a lot of time.
LinkedIn ™ , the social network at the service of your prospecting
Did you know ? You have a free tool that allows you to generate qualified leads and prospects . This tool is LinkedIn ™ . With over 20 million members , including 10 million active in France, LinkedIn ™ remains the leader in social networks for professionals.
Many salespeople today operate this network by practicing the social selling to reach more potential prospects. Why invest in this social network? There are many reasons:
- You establish relationships with your potential customers by interacting with their publications (like, share or comment).
- You demonstrate your know-how through content creation. By sharing relevant content related to your expertise, you gain visibility . Who says visibility, says more prospects who come directly to you.
Invest on LinkedIn ™ requires time and a structured method to obtain effective and lasting results. But by taking this time to work on your approach and take care of your profile, you reach more people. Start today by downloading the checklist and get an attractive LinkedIn ™ profile!
To integrate LinkedIn ™ in your commercial prospecting strategy, discover the Proinfluent® Method which could well earn you 1 qualified prospect per day & 5 professional clients per month.
BtoB phoning, in conclusion
Getting into telephone prospecting requires good preparation and a well-crafted strategy to gain new customers. The script and the phoning frame are then your best allies to support you in your prospecting process.
- First, prepare a pitch, an irresistible sales pitch.
- Second, use the information in your prospecting file to be as close as possible to your prospects.
- Third, use the CROC method to create your telemarketing frame.
- Also, consider coupling your BtoB phoning strategy with e-mail marketing and prospecting on social networks.
BtoB phoning: to sum up in 4 questions
Qu'est-ce que le phoning BtoB ?
Phoning, also called telephone prospecting or telephone canvassing, brings together a set of marketing and communication techniques to find new customers through the telephone call.
Pourquoi faire du phoning BtoB ?
BtoB phoning is a simple and inexpensive marketing approach that allows you to qualify your data to create a qualitative prospecting file. Thanks to the latter, you can contact the right interlocutor in order to sell your product or service.
Comment réussir son phoning BtoB ?
To succeed in your commercial phoning:
- Take ownership of your sales pitch.
- Speak clearly, smile and listen to the other person.
- Do not use any technical terms.
- Engage your interlocutor and help him project himself with the product or service sold.
Quelles sont les alternatives au phoning BtoB ?
With the development of digital, prospecting methods have evolved. Alternatives to BtoB phoning exist, such as marketing e-mailing and prospecting on social networks, particularly on LinkedIn ™.