Revolutionary, social selling has overturned the codes of classic prospecting, job search and recruitment. The world is changing, technologies evolve, and consumer habits are constantly changing. It has become essential to adapt to these changes. Be present on LinkedIn ™ is part of. In this article, discover the 8 reasons to integrate LinkedIn ™ into your digital strategy.

Be present on LinkedIn ™ to join the largest professional network
LinkedIn ™ holds record numbers. Indeed, LinkedIn ™ is:
- 720 million registered members worldwide;
- A presence in 200 countries;
- 54% of the French working population.
Considered the Facebook ™ of professionals, LinkedIn ™ has an astonishing track record. From the total number of active members to its business statistics, LinkedIn ™ is proof that social networks have become essential in the business world.
I invite you to read the article key figures from LinkedIn ™ to better understand the impact of this social network. By discovering the figures relating to the success of the platform, it is thus easier to imagine the importance of this social network.
Integrate LinkedIn ™ for its important values
Joining the LinkedIn ™ network means investing in its human and moral values, which fit perfectly into a professional dynamic. Importantly, the values of your company and your personality are an integral part of how you operate. LinkedIn ™ values represent everything that makes for a successful professional life:
Share : LinkedIn ™ members share information, tips and solutions to help the community move in the right direction.
Mutual aid : cooperation is at the heart of the network so every day we observe actions such as sharing a CV to the community, giving technical advice, receiving a recommendation, etc.
Discovery : Because curiosity is not a bad thing, LinkedIn ™ promotes the discovery of diverse horizons and new people.
Professionalism : respect for others, honesty, integrity, courtesy, competence… professionalism is a guarantee of credibility and seriousness. It is a major player in success.

The human and social dimension plays a capital role in professional life. It is even inseparable from the transparency sought by customers, superiors and employees.
Enjoy unparalleled organic publication reach on LinkedIn ™
One of the biggest advantages of LinkedIn ™ is its reach. The reach, kézako? This is the natural reach of posts: the ability of your posts to be visible to the greatest number of members. That of LinkedIn ™ is still unmatched, and you can be sure that your posts are better relayed and seen than, for example, on Facebook.
The reason for this is very simple. The main social networks aim to generate a lot of money. To this end, they favor the distribution of sponsored publications, for which advertisers have paid. So, for your content and ads to be seen by as many people as possible, you have to get your hands on the wallet and invest in an advertisement. This allows your activity to be visible to a specific target.
LinkedIn ™ is no exception to the rule and also offers company pages an advertising platform to boost their visibility: LinkedIn Ads . However, you don’t need this because the natural reach of posts from profiles is great. Some posts have thousands of views! As a result, with a well-crafted publication, you reach many people who are part of your target customers and without spending a single penny. Discover in this article, the 3 rules to know for infallible posts.
Integrate LinkedIn ™ to access a gigantic professional directory
The most important thing to understand about LinkedIn ™ is that the platform is like a gigantic professional database. In a few clicks, you unearth information on a person working on the other side of the planet, you learn about a professional subject that interests you, you identify the members working in a particular company …

Access to this wealth of information makes LinkedIn ™ the ideal channel for business prospecting, recruitment or job search. Indeed, the platform allows you to find and contact the right person at the right time.
Finally, LinkedIn ™ is a bit like the Ferrari of the customer file! Limitless, interactive, updated in real time… I’m not sure you have so many options on your paper file that is dusting off your office shelf!
Include LinkedIn ™ in your digital strategy for its free access
Yes, yes, it’s free! Without paying anything, by being present on LinkedIn ™ you have access to many advantages:
First, LinkedIn ™ allows you to design a digital sales page with your personal profile. This is more than just an online CV! Thanks to it, you show your expertise, your background, your achievements and especially what you can bring to help your future clients, partners , employers, employees … The real centerpiece of your activity on LinkedIn ™, your profile serves to attract and seduce members who are important to you. In short, without putting your hand in your pocket, the LinkedIn ™ profile is a real commercial brochure .
To go further, and build an authentic Proinfluent profile, click here to find out how to infiltrate the psychology of your customer base to instill confidence and get you to buy.
Second, by disseminating your publications on the network, you reinforce your image as an expert. LinkedIn ™ gives you the ability to show and share your knowledge through your posts, articles and comments. Do not hesitate to transmit your information, it’s free. And, the day a member encounters a problem, chances are they will turn to you to buy your solution. Indeed, this platform is ideal for your strategy inbound marketing which is to entice the consumer to come to you.
And finally, being on LinkedIn ™ allows you to develop your professional network with selected people. It’s easy to target and connect with your qualified prospects without paying anything.
Be present in LinkedIn ™ discussion groups to increase professional opportunities
Not always exploited, discussion groups are nevertheless a boon for any professional looking to develop a social selling strategy.
With one click, you join groups that deal with topics that interest you. They allow you to:
- mingle with professionals in your sector,
- discuss your field of activity,
- keep you informed of what the competition is doing,
- create links to promote mutual aid,
- etc.

In the same way, you can also integrate the groups where your target customers are located in order to:
- Get to know her better and thus better understand her needs and expectations. In this way, you collect marbles to adjust your strategy, your products and / or your services.
- Make yourself known and impose slowly, but surely the image of your brand in the minds of those who really matter: your future customers.
- Drive traffic to your site or blog by sharing your content.
Note: by being part of a discussion group, you have the possibility to contact its members even if they are not in your network. It is an effective solution to get in touch with your prospect!
Create a LinkedIn ™ profile and access a variety of actions
The LinkedIn ™ profile is the starting point for your presence on the social network. From there, anything is possible:
- Find new customers;
- Make your brand known;
- Develop your professional network;
- Find work ;
- Recruit new collaborators;
- Keep abreast of professional news in your sector (and others!);
- Get useful recommendations for online credibility;
- And much more…

To go further, I invite you to discover the article What is LinkedIn ™ for ? You will thus understand more in depth the essential role of this social network for professionals.
Be part of this SOCIAL network above all
If LinkedIn ™ is so effective, it is above all thanks to SOCIAL. Indeed, being on LinkedIn ™ allows you to interact with real people. You do not communicate with numbers, nor with functions, but with humans! On this platform, you increase the number of meetings with members who are or will become partners, colleagues, teammates, prospects, customers, employers …
Being present on LinkedIn ™, in conclusion
- Because it is the largest professional network;
- For the important human and social values found there;
- In order to take advantage of unparalleled organic publication reach;
- To reach a gigantic professional directory updated in real time;
- In order to multiply professional opportunities;
- To access a variety of shares free of charge.
Be present on LinkedIn ™, to sum up in 4 questions
Pourquoi être sur LinkedIn™ ?
Being on LinkedIn ™ means joining the largest international professional social network. This platform brings together 720 million members in 200 countries. You can reach a lot of people! Thus, LinkedIn ™ allows you to develop your network and your professional opportunities.
Quel est l’intérêt de LinkedIn™ ?
Integrating LinkedIn ™ into a digital presence strategy brings many advantages. This social network allows you to make yourself visible to a large population of professionals, to show your expertise and know-how, to find information, to develop your professional network and to create relationships with targeted people: prospects, employers. , suppliers, business partners, etc.
Pourquoi LinkedIn™ est important pour les professionnels ?
Today not to be present on LinkedIn ™ is to deprive yourself of an interesting communication and prospecting channel. Indeed, this social network allows professionals to multiply their business opportunities. LinkedIn ™ offers many free features to design a digital showcase, promote your brand, prove your expertise, target and get in touch with your prospects.
Pourquoi créer un profil LinkedIn™ ?
The LinkedIn ™ profile is the basis of your presence on this social network. This is the entry point where you create a showcase that looks like you. To do this, choose a professional photo, a visual banner and fill in the different sections, remembering to explain what you can bring to your visitors. Well configured, the profile is referenced on the network and on search engines, which gives you great visibility.