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How to put your CV on LinkedIn?



How to put your CV on LinkedIn?

With over 660 million users , the professional social network LinkedIn is an inexhaustible source of opportunities. Whatever your professional status, you may one day be in a situation where you will have to distribute your CV: in the case of a job search, of course, but also with a view to promoting your profile, to illustrate a example, or even to show a summary of your journey.

As we have already seen in several articles on the blog of Proinfluent , your LinkedIn profile is much more than a CV. Here, we will see how to add a CV on LinkedIn, in PDF format or in image, in order to give it every chance of being distributed and of reaching members of the network!

Add a CV on LinkedIn by adding it to your profile summary

In a previous article, I gave you many tips to build a LinkedIn profile summary perfect. Know that it is possible for you to include your CV in the form of a document! Thus, your CV will be visible to members of the network who visit your LinkedIn profile .

To do this, go to your LinkedIn profile , click on the pencil-shaped button below your LinkedIn banner and, in the section Media , upload your file.

I recommend you take a look at this CV template to fill out that more easily generates interviews . Putting your CV online yes, but posting a CV that generates interviews is better;)

Put your CV on LinkedIn with a post

To broadcast your CV to as many people as possible on the news feed, you can create a post and add your CV in image format. In the description of your post, indicate why you are distributing your CV in this format so that members network understand your goal and play along by sharing your CV of their side !

To do this, go to the LinkedIn home page, click at the top on To start a post, then add your file by clicking on the shaped icon camera. Write a few lines for your post, then click Publish .

Add a CV on LinkedIn with an article

Articles on LinkedIn are content where you can let your inspiration run free. Photos, quotes, titles, videos, links… Many options are available for you to write a quality article. Ideal for talking about your CV, disseminating it and commenting on it so that it is visible to as many people as possible!

To do this, go to the LinkedIn home page, click at the top of Write a article on LinkedIn, and start creating a qualitative article to add your CV on LinkedIn.

Putting your CV on LinkedIn: last tips

  • Think about optimizing your keywords in your CV to make it look good reference . But also in the description of your summary, post or article, do not neglect this essential aspect either!
  • If you plan to post your resume on LinkedIn on a large scale, hide or remove your mailing address. Ill-intentioned people (unfortunately there are everywhere) could use it for unsavory purposes (industrial espionage, various nuisances, burglary, etc.).
  • Get inspired by the free checklist for a perfect LinkedIn profile to improve your LinkedIn profile which is much more than a CV!
  • Last point, I recommend this training for find a job with LinkedIn !

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