Slogan represents an effective sentence to convey the values of a company. Funny, serious, sometimes shocking, slogans are used in advertising as well as in politics. Indispensable to any marketing strategy, the slogan must make an impression and be remembered. Find out in this article 7 expert tips to create an unforgettable slogan .

What is a slogan for?
Slogan is a short formula that is meant to be impactful. It expresses an idea and more precisely the positioning of a brand. It serves to define it and to convey its values and concepts. The slogan is present on all of the company’s communication media.
A business cannot be designed without a slogan. What would Decathlon be without “full form”? Decathlon means an athletics competition bringing together ten events contested by the same athletes. Certainly known to marathoners, it is not sure that Decathlon fans know the meaning of the name of the company. However, their slogan of 4 words “to the bottom of the form” addresses the concepts of good health, sport and pleasure well.
The slogan is usually accompanied by a logo. The slogan is positioned just below as a signature. It supports what your logo represents in pictures with words. This is why it must be considered upstream, at the same time as your marketing strategy.
Everyone knows the comma of Nike that accompanies its famous slogan “Just Do It”. The sportswear brand stands out with video ads that challenge you to make your dreams come true and never give up. Nike is positioned as a premium sports brand. The marketing strategy has been carefully studied in order to convey values such as courage, willpower and even relentlessness. Once again, with three words “Just Do It”, the brand knows how to stand out.
In conclusion, a slogan is therefore an easy way to communicate with your targets and to make yourself known. Its purpose is to draw attention to your brand.
How to create an unforgettable slogan for your business?
Do you want to create an original slogan and think outside the box? You are in the right place ! Follow our expert advice to find your slogan that reflects your business.
Tip # 1 for an unforgettable slogan: create your personas
Before you start thinking and proposing sentences for your slogan, we recommend that you first focus on your targets. Indeed, it is impossible to come up with an idea for a slogan if you do not know the profile of the people you are targeting.
You must therefore ask yourself questions of the type:
How old can my target be? What is his socio-professional category? What are his habits? What does she need? What are his problems?

For example, in the case of Proinfluent, we are addressing business leaders, entrepreneurs and BtoB professionals. They are looking for marketing advice in order to develop their digital marketing strategy and to train at social selling . Our main target therefore needs an expert and high-end service with precise and concrete advice. Based on this observation, we used the tool of buyer persona (which you can find in our article on the subject) to create our standard profiles.
Tip # 2 for an unforgettable slogan: tell your story
Once you know your target perfectly, you can move on to the next step: learning how to tell your story.
Who are you ? What do you arouse in your targets? What are your values?
Your story is the basis of your values, your mission and your reason for being. Depending on the highly competitive sectors, what sets you apart is what you say. Storytelling, the art of telling stories by appealing to emotions, is a widely used marketing technique. And, it is not reserved only for BtoC companies. It adapts to all sectors of activity. If you are a B2B company, you need to find a suitable tone.
For example, the story of Proinfluent is based on real events. Following the difficulty of finding a job in a competitive sector, I therefore decided to design a CV literally in reinforced concrete. Which created a buzz on social networks. Subsequently, I explored the social selling and the self marketing . Finally, rich in my experiences, I now offer my expertise to professionals to help them use the full potential of LinkedIn ™.

The strength of Proinfluent lies in the accompaniments offered. These being developed from field expertise. What I put forward is personalized support, in exchange and benevolence. I deeply want everyone to have the chance to reveal themselves and flourish in their work. This is why I propose to discover the Proinfluent® Method , to help companies find professional clients.
Telling your story, along with your worldview, is the basis of your strategy and helps you find your slogan. My advice is to seek deep inside your real values and your motivations in this business project. In the case of Proinfluent, my values of exchange and benevolence that I share on a daily basis and which are the basis of my business are found in the comments that my clients write. In conclusion, if you base your story on your values, it shows.
Tip # 3 for an unforgettable slogan: keep it short and simple
The wording of your slogan should be precise and concise. And this is the whole difficulty in writing it.
It should not be long and should summarize in a few words the positioning of your company and your values. That makes a lot of elements in a few words. If you have created your personas and your story beforehand, you already have more ideas that come naturally to you.
So, to design your slogan, you must first place yourself in the right conditions in order to succeed in your brainstorming (“brainstorming”). Settle down quietly in a place that for you is conducive to creation.
Start with a blank sheet of paper and put all the qualifiers that represent your values and your company. Ask all of your ideas without restrictions. Then make a first selection by proceeding in order of elimination.

Take the example of a coaching company whose targets are companies that want to improve internal employee relations, i.e. SMEs with around 150 employees. The strengths of our case study are: an experience of more than 10 years and a real know-how. The values are centered around benevolence, exchange and sharing. In a brainstorming session with the teams, here are the results of a first research: evolution, sharing, knowledge, communication, exchange, understanding, transformation, ethics, respect, responsibility, professionalism, motivation, well-being, energy, benevolence, objectives …
The list could be very long, whatever. The goal is to expose all of your ideas. First, focus on what relates to your goal. Then, just keep a few ideas, the ones you think are the best.
Tip 4 for an unforgettable slogan: arouse emotion
Your slogan should without much surprise arouse emotion, it is essential to mark the public. In this case, the second step is to add in another part of your document, the emotion that you want to awaken in your customers. To take the example of coaching, it could be indicated: enthusiasm, sensitivity, creativity, joy, pride …
So you already have several terms that allow you to think about the wording of your slogan. Select three at each step.
Do not try at all costs to state your slogan with the qualifiers that you have found. Just reread them and think of some phrases. It is by doing this that new ideas will be born. Then give free rein to your imagination and write down a few sentences (even if they are long).

This methodology allows you to have several terms and ideas to help you build your slogan. Always keep in mind that the ads that work are the ones that evoke emotion.
The slogan should make people want to live a unique experience. Even though it is very important that your promise arouses feelings, always be realistic. Don’t go for promises you can’t keep. Likewise, if humor is in vogue, you should always remember your goal. If your positioning requires seriousness, don’t play on humor to get attention.
Examples of original slogans
Let’s take the example of the coaching business. Following the brainstorming, a few coffees, a little rest and patience, this is what came out:
- “Be crazy, be fully you”. A dynamic slogan that questions and makes you want to know more.
- “Exchanging is good, communicating is better”. An original formula that questions the difference between exchanging and communicating.
- “Become yourself”. A simple and effective sentence, which directly touches the emotional with a strong term.
- “Exchange, communicate, LIVE”. A slightly more evasive expression, with a capitalized word to emphasize it.
- “Generator of good humor”. An intriguing statement that leaves the prospect questioning oneself. Friendly and fun, who wouldn’t want to find out if a machine can dispense good humor?
- “Revealer of potential”. A direct and effective slogan, we immediately understand what it is.
Among all of his slogans, the last seems the most suitable. It both brings together the fact that coaching reveals the potential of people by alleviating limiting thoughts. This slogan works well (tone, sound)!
Tip # 5 for an unforgettable slogan: think about the future
Maybe for now your services are only national, but if you plan to go international, your slogan should be easily translated. That is why, the simpler and shorter your slogan, the easier it is to translate into other languages.
Already try an English version (and why not in other languages). Also, think about the duration of your slogan, it must be able to be used without time limit and remain relevant for the next few years.
Tip 6 for an unforgettable slogan: test the slogan with targets
Asking the opinion around you is often what is recommended. However, it must be a constructive exchange! Explanations such as “I like” or “I don’t like” are not admissible. To get interesting feedback, interview your connections by asking them:
- What do you understand by reading this slogan?
- How do you feel reading this sentence?
- What are the specific emotions that this evokes in you?
Be careful, your slogan does not necessarily have to please everyone, it must meet the expectations of your target. Therefore, select people representing part of your clientele.

Tip 7 for an unforgettable slogan: take your time
Put yourself in your target’s shoes. Take inspiration from your competition, see which slogans impact you and why. Try to analyze. Take your time, don’t rush. You will see that by taking an inventory of your market, by proceeding step by step, you will come back to your ideas and be much more productive.
To learn more about the art of copywriting and assist you in writing advertising texts, we recommend the book “ Copywriting, sales copywriting “.

To discover the book:
Slogan: 7 secrets to creating an unforgettable slogan with examples: in conclusion
- Your slogan is the basis of your company by conveying an image consistent with your offers, your positioning and your values. In the article, we saw 7 tips for creating your unforgettable slogan:
- Study your target customers and create your personas.
- Tell your story to identify your values.
- Keep it simple and succinct, a slogan should be short.
- Arouse emotion to positively influence your targets.
- Think about how your business is changing. Your slogan must last over time and must be easily internationalized.
- Test your slogan with your target.
- Take your time.
Create an unforgettable slogan: to sum it up in three questions
Quel est l’objectif d’un slogan ?
Votre slogan nécessite d’être étudié avec minutie, car c’est l’élément mémorisé par votre clientèle. Il doit être court, percutant et compréhensible. En fonction de votre cible et de ce que vous proposez, il résume votre positionnement et vos valeurs. Bien conçu, un slogan suscite de l’émotion et l’envie de faire appel à votre société.
Comment créer un slogan inoubliable ?
Tout d’abord, étudiez votre cible, puis réfléchissez à votre histoire et réalisez un brainstorming. Parmi l’ensemble des résultats obtenus, choisissez les mots qui reflètent le mieux votre promesse et vos valeurs. Cherchez ensuite la combinaison ou le jeu de mots qui fonctionne le mieux. Enfin, testez votre slogan auprès de votre cible.
Quels sont les éléments importants d'un slogan ?
Un slogan doit être original, percutant, concis et précis afin d’être facilement mémorisable. Quelques mots suffisent à susciter de l’émotion. Concentrez-vous sur vos valeurs, votre positionnement, celui de vos concurrents et déterminez ensuite votre slogan. À vous de jouer !