Press kit: our expert advice for media coverage


The press kit is a communication medium that helps you increase your visibility. If you dream of hearing about your business in a media, it is the perfect tool to convince a journalist. The press kit is a complete document that, well prepared, ensures you get media coverage. What does it consist on ? How to write a press kit? How to profit from it? We explain everything from A to Z.

press kit

Press kit: definition

A press kit is a document that brings together the essential data to present your company. Unlike a commercial brochure, the press kit is not intended to be promotional. Its objective is to inform various external actors: your employees, your partners and especially journalists. Importantly, it is the showcase of your business and must be clear, precise and concise.

It is designed in the following format:

  • digital to distribute it on your website, by e-mail or on a USB key;
  • and paper to send or distribute.

The press kit is part of your communication media that allow you to make yourself known. Usually, it is sent to a list of journalists in order to present your company or an event so that the press can read it and write an article about your company.

What is the difference between a press kit, a press release and a sales brochure?

The press kit

The press kit is aimed at your secondary targets, ie journalists. It helps to present your business. To stand out, your press kit must make you want to be read. Indeed, journalists receive a lot of information. So, to prevent your document from ending up in the trash, take the time to think about the important elements and avoid scattering yourself. In the following article, we explain how to optimize it.

The commercial brochure

The commercial brochure is a synthetic document which briefly presents your company, your values and especially your products or services. Its objective is to accompany or complete a commercial presentation in order to seduce, reassure and convince your prospects.

To find out more, discover our dedicated article: Commercial brochure: examples of effective brochures to copy .

Press release

The press release complements the press kit. It is usually a single page that summarizes an upcoming event. For example, you write a press release when launching a new product line, opening a new point of sale, or attending a trade show.

Press release and press kit are two very different media that are still too confused today. While the press release is short information, the press kit is a very comprehensive document presenting your company, its values and its products.

What does a press kit consist of?

To help you in writing your press kit, we have summarized the important and essential elements. However, you are free to add other elements that may work in your favor.

press kit presentation

Put yourself in the shoes of a journalist who receives several dozen press kits a day. Only one in 10 is retained by the press! So how do you tell the difference? How to be read? With a catchy title, an attractive layout and precise information! Each press kit is unique. Make yours in the image of your graphic charter and the values of your company.

Cover page

The cover page is the “cover page” of your press kit. It is the one that captures and catches the eye! So, design an original page in the colors of your graphical charter . Above all, you should avoid making a presentation that is too scholarly. However, it should not be too busy or too sober. We advise you to indicate on your cover page:

  • The mention “Press kit” so that the journalist understands what it is about;
  • A catchy title;
  • Your logo and company name;
  • The date if it is an event.

The table of contents

As basic as it may sound, a summary is essential. Indeed, it helps the journalist to navigate in the document to find the information he wants. Above all, the summary should not be neglected, whether in form or substance. It is the second page of your material and influences the reader to turn the page (or to leave your file on a corner of the desk).

Presentation: values and concepts

The presentation page of your company is essential. It tells your story, your values and your goals. Also remember to add “the word of the founder”! It’s a short speech that exposes your beliefs and brings out your mission and vision.

values press kit

All this must be summarized in a clear and synthetic way. Always remember to have your file proofread to get an outside opinion from people who do not know your business.

Your history

In a press kit, you summarize the history and key dates of your company , for example with the help of an explanatory diagram indicating the date of creation, the evolution, what it is today …

Please note, this section is different from the “key figures” which are a zoom on the turnover which has increased for example this year, or the number of employees which has doubled …

Your commitments

Are you a social enterprise and want to highlight your commitment to the planet? Do you plan to collaborate with associations? Talk it over ! The goal is not to do too much, but just to be honest . If you are a “zero waste” business leader and this value is fundamental, you can devote time to it.

Press kit: commitments

Today, many companies decide to invest in terms of events or finances with associations. Obviously, this guarantees a social image. The goal is certainly not to invest just to benefit from positive communication, but to do so simply because YOUR values correlate with your ideas. In this case, specify your commitments, the reason for which you wished to implement these actions, the repercussions… The golden rule: be true!

Your products and services

Be careful not to display all of your products at the risk of losing the journalist’s attention. Certainly, the press kit is not a commercial catalog. So briefly present your fars products or, if you have a small range, show your products on only one double page.

Your key figures

The key figures are the important part of your press kit. Indeed, they show the evolution of your business. With an infographic, for example display the number of open shops, the number of employees, your sales, the internationalization of your products … In short, all the figures and statistics that prove that your company has seized a great opportunity Steps.

Your clients and testimonials

Include your clients’ logos and testimonials in your press kit . Anything that can work in your favor and add value to your business is worth taking. Focus on the concrete and the real facts. Journalists need to feel that you have contributed something more than your competition and that YOUR business is worth presenting!

press kit testimonial

Your press review

To finalize your file, you add a press review. This is a page dedicated to articles written about your company by other media: blog, interviews, print media, online press, etc. This shows your notoriety and reassures the journalist!

Are you just starting out and have no media coverage? Don’t panic, your press kit will certainly allow you to have your first article that you will proudly add afterwards!

The contact page

Your press kit caught the journalist’s full attention! Well done, you will finally benefit from your first media coverage. It would therefore be a shame to forget the contact page with your contact details. Always keep in mind a good readability and a clean design. The layout of this page should not be overlooked.

Your press kit must therefore contain certain essential parts:

  • The cover page: name of the company with the title “Press Kit”;
  • The summary: essential element, design it with catchy titles;
  • Presentation of your company: your values and your objectives in a synthetic way;
  • Showcase your products: be careful not to showcase all of your products;
  • Your key figures: all the figures and statistics! In order not to annoy your reader, create an attractive visual;
  • Your press review: screenshot of publications in the media of your company (articles, interviews, etc.);
  • Contact page: your contact details (email, website, social networks, telephone, LinkedIn ™ professional account, etc.).

What format should my press kit have?

The format of the press kit may vary. There are no special recommendations. It differentiates you from your competitors precisely by an original format. Be careful, however, to always respect the most important criterion: readability.

The only rule to respect is to save your press kit in .PDF. Pay attention to its weight so that it is easily sent by courier. Do tests with your relatives and collaborators. You also have the option of reducing it without losing too much quality on sites dedicated to this.

Personally, I prefer the landscape format which leaves a lot more freedom in terms of creation and layout. I find it much more readable. I always put myself in the place of my clients and here in this case that of the journalist who receives my press kit. For me, it is important to stand out both visually, but also in your conception of the world. This is valid for your press kit, but more generally in all of your communication media. If I have been able to differentiate myself today from my competitors, it is through my different approach and my values.

Talent comes from originality, which is a special way of thinking, seeing, understanding and judging.

Guy de Maupassant

10 expert tips for writing your press kit

Find in the rest of this article our advice for creating a professional press kit, step by step!

Tip number 1: Prepare your press kit

You have certainly already studied the entire market before starting to create your business using marketing matrices:

  • PESTEL analysis identifies the 6 external influences that weigh on your market and your business (Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Ecological and Legal).
  • The SWOT matrix to identify your strengths, weaknesses and opportunities as well as threats in your market.

Bet everything on your added value! What makes you different from others? Why should the journalist write about your company? How could this topic interest its readers?
By asking yourself the right questions, you refocus on the essential points of your business and get it right!

press kit format

We always advise you before designing your communication media to take the time to get everything straight. Indeed, the time you devote to it is not at a loss. We know well that as a business leader, it is important to make profitable your actions (ROI). However, this document which is part of your marketing strategy should be written in the most concise manner and bring out your values in the blink of an eye. For this, you need to think about the message you want to put forward. So think strategy.

Here are some important points to anticipate your press kit:
  • Avoid being too scholarly, do not insist on sticking to a plan that is too basic, you must have a structure with the important elements given above, but you can be creative;
  • Refocus on your values and goals;
  • Write down all your ideas on a draft;
  • Start making a plan.

Tip number 2: Write your press kit with an adapted style

Writing the press kit may seem complicated. However, you don’t need to be Voltaire to be successful in writing your communication medium.

Here are some tips for writing:
  • Avoid long sentences;
  • Find the main objective of each paragraph and reread them so you don’t get too scattered;
  • Concentrate only on the writing (the form will be reviewed later);
  • Adopt a simple style adapted to your business (not all sectors allow you to add a touch of humor…).

Tip number 3: put titles and subtitles in your press kit

It may sound basic, but your titles matter a lot. Indeed, they are skimmed quickly before deciding to read the content. That’s why you need to find relevant headlines that make you want to read more.

It is also important to offer several reading levels! A catchy headline followed by an explanatory caption attracts attention and generates interest.

Tip number 4: opt for an original but clear presentation

The presentation, you will understand, is decisive to make the difference! To do this, choose an elaborate design while keeping your content readable. Your press kit must be airy and embellished with a few photos and visuals.

press kit presentation

You can also choose to print it on a original paper with a special finish before sending it directly to the editors.

Tip number 5: target the press well

Develop a listing of media to contact

Many companies dismiss the press kit because of insufficient returns. However, the press is not a medium to be neglected. It is part of your communication plan .

So remember to make a list of all the journalists you want to contact and who are likely to be interested in your company and the services you offer. The press includes both local and national newspapers, but also the web. Your digital strategy can therefore also focus on journalistic sites.

Find useful contacts to send a press kit

We grant you, it is not easy to find the contacts. It takes tedious work, but find out how to find the rare gem: the e-mail address of the person in charge of the edition. Be smart, it is usually always entered in the “contact” section of the website or at the end of the journal.

You also have the possibility of:

  • let manage the design of the press kit as well as sending it to a press relations agency;
  • or purchase a file of e-mail addresses.

Tip number 6: The subject of the email: be smart!

subject email journalist press kit

Do not send the same email to a list of journalists! Personalize the subject of your emails, this is the key to making the press want to open. Choose an original object, without overdoing it, related to your business. Indicate that this is a press kit to avoid passing for an advertisement.

Tip number 7: Add your points of contact

In your e-mail, do not forget your signature with your contact details. It may sound basic, but it is an important element that is still too often overlooked. Your signature must contain all the points of contact (telephone number, professional email, website address and social network links).

You can also put a call to action button to redirect your target to your company presentation page or your values.

Tip number 8: Know how to adapt to your target

Each medium must be the subject of a real analysis. You can’t contact a blogger, influencer, print media, or journalist the same way. There are two axes to adjust:

  • The channel: Some prefer to be contacted with LinkedIn ™, while others are more active on Twitter ™.
  • The message: The approach and the tone used are different depending on the person you want to convince.

Tip number 9: Distribute a press kit on a strategic date

Your communication plan certainly includes your press kit. In this case, the date of dispatch of the press kit is indicated in your reverse planning (which you took care to do during your marketing strategy).

In the event of an event, it is advisable to send a press release and the press kit about ten days before the date.
If possible, prefer to send your email on Tuesday to avoid the Monday morning rush and weekend rush.

Tip number 10: Relaunch journalists

Have you sent your press kit, but you still have no feedback? We advise you to relaunch ten days later in order to find out whether the mailing has been received first and secondly whether the journalist is interested in the subject. Be brief and to the point.

relaunch journalist press kit

Do not insist if he does not feel concerned, you are not at a commercial telephone meeting. In this case, thank him for the time granted and note in a follow-up file that he will not follow up. Be organized and record in a document all the people contacted, the date of sending and follow-up …

Press kit: our expert advice for media coverage: in conclusion

For the success of your press kit, we advise you to:

  • Make an organized plan of your document: cover page, summary, presentation of the company and services / products, key figures, press review, contact;
  • Take care in writing: use the present tense, be very concise, concise and precise, avoid overly technical terms, go to the essentials by setting an objective per sentence or paragraph;
  • Work on the format: make an original presentation related to your graphic charter, include visuals and photos;
  • Have at least two people proofread (one outside the project and another who knows your business);
  • Make a list of journalists related to your activity and contact them via different channels;
  • Organize the distribution of your file: make a follow-up file, carry out reminders …

Press kit: to sum up in three questions

En quoi le dossier de presse est-il indispensable ?

Simplement parce que c’est une des seules manières de toucher la presse. À moins que vous ne soyez entourés de journalistes (on vous le souhaite), le dossier de presse reste un support de communication important qu’il ne faut pas négliger. C’est un document complet présentant votre entreprise. Il est envoyé aux journalistes et influenceurs pour qu’ils écrivent un article ou un papier dessus. Les retombées médiatiques qui s’en suivent sont extrêmement intéressantes pour votre notoriété.

Quelle est la différence entre un dossier de presse et un communiqué de presse ?

Les deux documents ont le même objectif. Celui de toucher les journalistes ou les influenceurs pour faire connaitre votre entreprise. Mais leurs messages et leurs formats sont complètement différents.
Le communiqué de presse est court, il se rédige sur une seule page. Il est envoyé aux journalistes pour présenter un évènement proche : lancement d’un nouveau produit, salon, changement de directeur…
Le dossier de presse est un document complet de plusieurs pages qui présente votre entreprise, vos valeurs, vos produits, vos chiffres clés… Il est adressé à un listing de presse pour donner du contenu afin de faciliter la rédaction d’un papier sur votre entreprise. Vous devez mettre en avant votre plus-value par rapport à vos concurrents et ne pas considérer le dossier de presse comme une plaquette commerciale.

Comment rédiger un dossier de presse ?

Nous vous conseillons de commencer par faire un plan organisé de votre document : page de garde, sommaire, présentation de l’entreprise et des services/produits, chiffres clés, revue de presse, contact. Une fois que vous avez vos catégories, ajoutez des titres et des sous-titres accrocheurs. Inutile d’en faire trop, soignez votre rédaction et la mise en page pour faciliter la lecture des informations. Le journaliste reprendra ensuite votre dossier avec son style pour remanier l’article à sa manière. Si vous avez des difficultés, entourez-vous de collaborateurs pour qu’ils vous aident. Vous avez aussi la possibilité de faire appel à des rédacteurs ou des agences spécialisées pour ce type de support de communication.

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