All about the LinkedIn video: format, dimension, size, duration & weight


The video is a hit on LinkedIn, because it is a visual and animated format, it is the format popular with Internet users of the social network. It is even one of the formats that has the most reach, that is to say organic reach!

Here’s everything you need to know about LinkedIn videos.

What format of LinkedIn videos is supported?

LinkedIn supports the following video formats:

  • ASF
  • AVI
  • FLV
  • MPEG-1 and MPEG-4
  • MKV
  • QuickTime
  • WebM
  • H264 / AVC
  • MP4
  • VP8
  • WMV2 and WMV3

However, LinkedIn does not support the following video file formats:

  • ProRes
  • MPEG-2
  • RAW video
  • WMV1

Dimensions and size of LinkedIn videos

  • The size and dimensions of videos accepted by LinkedIn are from 256 x 144 pixels to 4096 x 2304 pixels; in other words, up to 4K size and resolution!
  • LinkedIn accepts 1: 2.4 and 2.4: 1 video proportions.

Weight of LinkedIn videos

  • The minimum size of a LinkedIn video is 75 KB and the maximum size of a LinkedIn video is 5 GB.

How long is a LinkedIn video?

  • The duration of a LinkedIn video is 3 seconds to 10 minutes maximum.

How fast is a LinkedIn video?

  • LinkedIn accepts video frequencies of 10 to 60 frames per second.

How fast is a LinkedIn video?

  • LinkedIn accepts LinkedIn videos with speeds between 192 kbps to 30 Mbps.

LinkedIn videos: other information to know

Be careful not to post your LinkedIn video anyhow! It is essential to know how to post a video on LinkedIn to have a maximum range without being fooled by the LinkedIn algorithm !

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