Are your newsletter and banner ads not converting? Are you struggling to convert your prospects into customers? Imagine, boosted website traffic and an impressive click-through rate on your form. It is possible, by judiciously placing relevant CTAs! Discover the best call to action marketing practices in our CTA definition article!

CTA definition
CTA is the diminutive of call to action which translates to “call to action” in French. It takes the form of a link, a clickable button and contains an action verb to be effective. For example: “Click here! “, ” I’m registering ! », « Subscribe to subscription » …
The objective of the call to action is to encourage prospects to take action and make them evolve in the customer journey. The call to action is therefore a real digital marketing tool that allows you to engage your visitors and convert them into customers!
Placing CTAs is highly recommended in the implementation of a direct marketing or inbound marketing strategy. Indeed, the latter consists in attracting the prospect to your company using optimized content on specific keywords. It is therefore natural to offer the visitor to continue his visit, his gathering of information by inviting him to make an appointment, to consult another web page of your site, to send you a message via the contact section for example.
Moreover, before the birth of digital marketing, the call to action was used on advertising mail to encourage customers to place an order. The call to action is therefore an essential marketing element that has evolved with the arrival of digital and e-commerce sites.

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Why place CTAs?
The CTA is essential to make your visitors react. By offering actions such as “Add to cart”, “Download the white paper” or “Subscribe to the newsletter”, the CTA advances your prospects in the sales cycle . It therefore helps to increase your conversion rate.
In addition, the call to action can accelerate the conversion of the prospect. For example, this one browses the blog posts of your website. In one of them, there is an advertisement offering to “Discover the best BtoB negotiation techniques and succeed in your professional interviews”. A CTA just below invites the Internet user to “Download the white paper for free”. The prospect downloads and, as he is seduced by the content, he registers for your training, contacts you by email or subscribes to your LinkedIn ™ newsletter for example. Something he wouldn’t have done right away if he hadn’t downloaded your free resource (white paper).
The call to action encourages your reader to take an action that you have planned. This allows you to multiply opportunities and convert them more effectively into a hot prospect.
What are CTA’s best practices?
For your CTA to convert, there are elements to respect! Here are the 4 tips for creating effective calls to action!
1. Place only one CTA per web page
Indeed, it is advisable to insert only one call to action per page at the risk of losing your visitors. When you offer multiple options, you generally think you’ll increase your chances of success. If this theory is confirmed in other situations, in marketing it does not work! So, when you write your content, think about your unique objective in order to precisely define your CTA and make sure that it respects it.
Here is the rule: one content = one objective = one CTA!
This advice also applies to all your marketing content: prospecting emails, social media posts, etc.
2. Write a relevant message
It’s pretty obvious, but for your CTA button to have a high click-through rate, you need to choose your message carefully. Thus, using an action verb is essential, but it is not enough! If you just write “Send” or “Download”, you are not sending a clear enough message. The promise is missing: what will we gain by clicking on the button?
So favor expressions that sound good and that hit home like “Send the registration form”, “Receive the exclusive article to find customers” or “I’m enjoying a free month”.
So, the content of your CTA button must be perfectly clear and precise. If possible, do not hesitate to personalize it to humanize it. Instead of just writing “Click here”, instead write “Click here and become an expert in inbound marketing”.

3. Choose and place your CTA
The location of the CTA on a web page
To be effective, your CTA must be strategically placed and visible. Generally, it is at the bottom of a landing page, below the information that concerns it. For example, you sell a training and your CTA allows you to download the summary of it for free. It is naturally placed at the bottom, so that the interested Internet user can continue to progress in the customer journey .
However, in a blog article for example, it is better to place the call to action in the first quarter of it or at the end (towards the conclusion).
The shape and colors of the CTA
To make it visible, you can opt for a button rather than a clickable link. This type of CTA catches the eye and is much more attractive than a simple link. Be careful, however, not to choose it too big so as not to be too intrusive, nor too small so that the prospect does not miss it!
In terms of colors, respect your graphic charter and do not start in new tones! Remember that as a professional in the btob, your website is your showcase. It must therefore be harmonious, refined and design.
For the background color of the button, prefer the most conspicuous shade. For example, if your graphic charter is based on blue, gray and black, choose blue in the background and the writing in black. It’s more captivating than the black background and blue writing.
4. Test
There is no winning solution from the start and to test the effectiveness of the most effective calls to action, you have to do tests! Try different messages, placements, and designs and see the click-through rate.
Depending on your targeting and strategy, the results are not the same for everyone. Test for example “Enjoy a free month” and “Enjoy 30 days free” or “Subscribe to the newsletter” and “I subscribe to the newsletter”. There are many possible options to convert your visitor into a prospect, it’s up to you to find which ones!
Do the same for the colors and placements of your CTA and then you know which ones have the best conversion rate.
5. CTA in your content on social networks
Be aware that the CTA is not just for blog posts. Indeed, it is recommended to insert it in publications on social networks, in order to encourage your community to comment. For example, a YouTuber encourages Internet users to react in comments or a user places a question in his LinkedIn™ post. This allows you to start a conversation and boost publications on the feeds.

For writing your LinkedIn™ publications, the AIDA method allows you to structure your content in a simple and effective way:
- A (Attention): First, it’s about capturing your reader’s attention with a short, punchy, even shocking sentence (if your industry allows it).
- I (Interest): then, the rest of your post must “speak” to your reader to make him want to read more.
- D (Desire): then it’s time to bring value, useful information just enough to arouse the desire and the desire to react.
- A (Action): Finally, end your post with a simple and clear call to action by asking a question. For example: “And you? What do you think of… ? » ; “Have you ever encountered this problem? Share your experience in the comments.
CTA definition to conclude
- The call to action allows you to guide the actions of your prospects by suggesting that they take action.
- It is found on the pages of a site, an advertising email, a post on social networks or on e-commerce platforms for example.
- The call to action takes the form of a clickable link or a button.
- Make sure to place only one CTA per page otherwise you risk losing your customers!
- Write a short, clear and relevant message. The content of an effective CTA has an action verb and if possible, personalized content.
- Choose a smart location to make it visible and prefer a button to a link because the latter is less visible.
- Opt for a brighter background color, but always respecting your graphic charter.
- Experiment to identify which phrases, positions, and colors have the best click-through rates.
CTA definition to summarize in 4 questions
What are CTAs?
Calls to action are clickable buttons or links that encourage prospects to take action. This is a short sentence containing an action verb. The most common calls to action allow you to:
- Subscribe to a newsletter;
- Download a guide, a white paper;
- Make an appointment ;
- Register for an event, training;
- Add an item to the basket;
- Go to the transaction (add to cart, buy);
- Create an account ;
- Get a free trial for a limited time.
What are the goals of a CTA?
The establishment of a call to action is a marketing practice that encourages the reader to act according to your wishes. This may be to visit your website, to obtain more information on an article or to discover a free training course, for example. The call to action is therefore a real tool, particularly in the context of an inbound marketing strategy.
How to make a good CTA?
A relevant call to action is a visible element that attracts the visitor’s attention and conveys a clear message. For this, its location, design and content must be carefully thought out and chosen. Prefer a button to a link and a short and precise sentence that contains an action verb like “Download our e-book for free”. A bright background color is recommended to catch the eye.
What is a call-to-action button?
A call to action button is a clickable element that invites the lead to take action. In French, call to action means “call to action”. It’s a formidable marketing practice that converts prospects into customers by guiding them through their buying journey.