LinkedIn™ Trainer: How to Achieve All Your Goals with a LinkedIn™ Trainer


Want to post something on LinkedIn™, but you’re facing a blank page? You want to develop your visibility, but you don’t know the algorithm? You want to contact a manager, a potential client and you are afraid of doing the wrong thing? to grill you? Do you want to be recognized and are you afraid of making mistakes? Do you dream of using LinkedIn™ to increase your business opportunities, find new customers , but you don’t necessarily know how to do it?

Obviously, it’s not easy to find your way around the workings of the site and understand everything the first time around! In this article, we share the secrets to achieving your goals with a LinkedIn™ trainer . In particular, you will discover tips on how to make the most of your profile. So stay with us till the end.

LinkedIn™ Trainer

LinkedIn™: an asset for professionals

Say stop to techniques that don’t work

Prospecting techniques such as phoning or mailing provide a conversion rate of around 1%, which is no longer profitable today. Your company is struggling to achieve its objectives despite your time investing in these techniques without bearing fruit and your business is not running without customers. It’s time to find other ways to acquire leads.

It is thus, by dint of reflection and in perpetual search for effective solutions that you have come to inquire about LinkedIn™.

This platform allows each professional to:

  • prospect fruitfully;
  • generate leads, prospects and therefore customers on a regular basis;
  • find out about your market;
  • disseminate its brand image;
  • and to make themselves known to their target customers.
LinkedIn™ trainer: an asset for professionals

However, after spending, and perhaps wasting, your time on LinkedIn™ without getting results despite your professional skills, you don’t know what to do. What content to publish? When to post? How to target the right people ? Send a prospecting message ? Find new customers, generate leads and thus increase your turnover? This is THE big question you ask yourself. And it is very legitimate: the health of your business depends on it. Read on to find methods that work.

Leveraging LinkedIn™

The more time passes, the more you realize that LinkedIn™ is a major channel for your BtoB business. Everywhere you see colossal figures : 774 million users worldwide, 64% of the active French population, a presence in 200 countries across the globe… These figures clearly characterize the importance of LinkedIn™! The professional social network is a behemoth on the web, and can, if used well, become a major asset.

As you know, LinkedIn™ has many advantages for managers, salespeople , business leaders and other entrepreneurs wishing to develop their business and obtain great opportunities. But, to achieve the objective of acquiring customers regularly thanks to LinkedIn™, it is still necessary to know how to use the platform correctly. On the Proinfluent blog , you will find many articles to help you get started with LinkedIn™, create a perfect profile , build an effective and referenced profile summary, personalize your invitations, etc.

LinkedIn™ trainer: leveraging LinkedIn™

But using LinkedIn™ to prospect is a discipline in its own right. To carry out your mission and achieve all your professional goals and more, calling on a LinkedIn™ trainer is a solution that cannot be ruled out.

Today we see together what a good trainer is LinkedIn ™ and how to choose it. We also present effective training adapted to all configurations to allow you to gain visibility, customer volume and credibility with your core target.

What is a LinkedIn™ Trainer?

A LinkedIn™ trainer is a social network expert. He knows all the codes, all the uses and helps you with his know-how to achieve your goal.

Sometimes difficult to use, LinkedIn™ is a particular social network, the handling of which differs from that of Facebook or Instagram. The professional aspect of LinkedIn™ and the functioning of its algorithm make the platform a huge opportunity generator. But knowing how to use it correctly is not necessarily intuitive and there are many pitfalls to avoid to succeed on LinkedIn™.

This is why a LinkedIn™ trainer may be necessary. Thanks to his expertise and advice, the LinkedIn™ expert helps you move forward on the professional social network to broadcast your brand image effectively, and subsequently generate an avalanche of qualified leads.

What is a LinkedIn Trainer?

The LinkedIn™ trainer’s mission is to teach you how to optimize your presence on this network. Here, we are talking about a LinkedIn™ coach who teaches you the codes to know and apply to generate qualified leads and prospects. More concretely, a LinkedIn™ trainer will:

  • Explains how LinkedIn™ works and the multiple benefits the platform offers;
  • Learn how to create your LinkedIn™ profile as a sales page;
  • Allows you to boost your visibility on the network;
  • Helps to precisely define your target customers and then expose them to your content;
  • Needle to grow your professional network in a relevant way;
  • Etc.

In short, the mission of the LinkedIn ™ trainer is to allow you to correctly use the keys of the professional social network, to then fly on your own on the platform and achieve your objectives in complete autonomy.

How to choose your LinkedIn™ trainer ?

Are you looking for a LinkedIn™ trainer and don’t know what criteria to base your choice on? It’s quite normal. A plethora of LinkedIn™ trainers are present on the internet. But be careful! Your LinkedIn™ trainer is an investment in your business, which is why it’s vitally important to be particularly thorough in your research.

Thus, we offer several avenues for reflection to enable you to choose your LinkedIn™ expert wisely.

The experience of the LinkedIn™ trainer must be significant (check their LinkedIn ™ profile )

This point is essential, and rather logical. For your LinkedIn™ training to be successful and lead you to achieving your goals and more, your trainer needs to be someone with experience who knows their stuff.

It is necessary to be able to find information about him that speaks of his experience. During his years of practice, your trainer learned, evolved, progressed and above all brought value to other people who, like you, were looking to use LinkedIn™ to prospect effectively.

LinkedIn™ trainer: how to choose one?

Therefore, researching his experience is advisable. You can consult his website or, even better, his LinkedIn™ profile! A good LinkedIn™ trainer must have several years of practice under his belt to fully master his subject and be able to guarantee results.

LinkedIn™ Trainer customer reviews must be positive

Increasingly, consumers come on their own to seek information about the products or services they are considering purchasing.

To choose the right LinkedIn™ trainer, one of the safest ways is to consult the customer reviews left on the coach’s website or LinkedIn™ profile. Again, be careful. Some malicious people do not hesitate to publish false rave reviews about them to trick you into believing that they are excellent professionals.

In order to be certain of the reliability of the opinions you read, be attentive and do not hesitate to check the profiles of the members who have expressed themselves. Look at their photo, their activities, etc. Very quickly, the legitimacy of these people will be confirmed, or not. Positive, quality and honest-speaking reviews are a guarantee of the expertise of a LinkedIn™ trainer.

Read: How to Ask for a Recommendation on LinkedIn™

The contents of the LinkedIn™ trainer must be qualitative

To find out about the professionalism of a LinkedIn™ trainer, there’s nothing like a proper review of their content. This can be their website and summary of their offers, their blog, their YouTube channel , their posts on LinkedIn™, etc.

Quality publications, with high added value, which teach you concepts and whose content is particularly relevant are green indicators. By distributing quality content , the LinkedIn™ trainer proves his professional credibility.

The contents of the LinkedIn ™ Trainer must be qualitative

If, on the contrary, the trainer’s publications are poorly written, full of spelling mistakes, very short, repetitive and do not bring you anything, it would be better to move on.

A good LinkedIn™ expert knows that content is critical to success. He must therefore apply this principle to himself in order to be able to teach it to his clients.

The exchange must be human to human

The human-to-human exchange, just like the content, is a strong pillar of a worthy success on LinkedIn™. This, the trainer must also know and promote an honest, cordial and resolutely oriented exchange. To find out if the LinkedIn™ trainer you are looking for is someone you feel like collaborating with for training on the largest professional social network in the world, the easiest way is to contact him!

Do we welcome you on the phone or by email with kindness, listening and sympathy? Rather positive!

The trainer does not stammer, asks you questions about your objectives and is interested in your project? Even better !

Are you delaying getting an answer from the trainer? When you have him on the phone, do you have an aggressive person on the line, who won’t let you talk and immediately offers you the most expensive training on offer? Bad sign.

It is essential for the smooth running of your training that your trainer is a person with whom the current passes well. Indeed, you share with him times of exchange, sharing of knowledge and moments of work that make the difference for your success and the achievement of your objectives.

LinkedIn™ trainer: human-to-human exchange

And then, isn’t it more pleasant to work with someone with whom you get on well?

Independent LinkedIn ™ trainer: Yannick BOUISSIERE

Yannick is an expert in prospecting and marketing for professionals. Its main activity is to support (and train) leaders (VSEs, SMEs, large groups), business leaders, coaches, consultants, sales directors or CEOs to achieve their goals through LinkedIn™ and marketing.

He worked at the headquarters of the Airbus group, at AXA in France and in Hong Kong. He has created and managed several companies.

Considered the #1 LinkedIn™ expert in the French-speaking world, he has also helped more than 10,000 people improve their visibility on LinkedIn™ and generate real professional opportunities.

LinkedIn trainer: Yannick Bouissière - testimonial
LinkedIn trainer: Yannick Bouissière

Do you want to learn how to master LinkedIn™ from A to Z to achieve all your goals: increase your visibility, improve your notoriety, develop your audience, find customers? Make an appointment in the our calendar here.

LinkedIn™ training: how to choose the right one?

Define your training objectives

By choosing a LinkedIn™ training, you opt for a network that allows you to obtain concrete results. Provided that you clearly define your objectives first. So what are they?

Would you like to:

  • Gain new customers?
  • Are you creating a quality audience?
  • Develop your visibility on the network?
  • Discover LinkedIn in depth to use it?
  • Find a job ?
  • Train your teams?
  • Etc.

Choose the right training

Free training

At Proinfluent, we offer several training courses including:

  • An online conference during which Yannick Bouissière, LinkedIn™ expert, shares his skills and strategic advice to put into practice immediately for the acquisition of new prospects in your BtoB business. To receive your personal invitation, register here.
  • A free 4-day email training course plus the checklist to optimize your LinkedIn™ profile by making it 20 times more effective. to unlock free now here.

The Proinfluent© Profile

The Proinfluent © profile is the key to building an image that inspires, builds confidence and makes you want to “buy” from you just by consulting your profile. This is the basis of your presence on LinkedIn™ and this training allows you to establish it to optimize your skills and generate profit.

The Proinfluent© Method

With the Proinfluent© Method, the objective is to gain 1 qualified prospect per day and 5 clients per month thanks to LinkedIn™ . With this training, forget paid advertising on LinkedIn™ and boost your visibility to multiply it by 40! You learn how to efficiently configure your LinkedIn™ account settings, how to build a concrete LinkedIn™ profile, how to laser target your prospects, how to automate part while keeping control over your human exchanges, and much more. . The Proinfluent© Method is the most complete training on the market (in addition, there is a triple guarantee of results).

Opportunities Formula©

Opportunities Formula© is a training course for job seekers. In 1 hour a day on LinkedIn™, you get 10 x more opportunities and increase your visibility to reach recruiters who interest YOU and that YOU are interested in.

Talent Sourcing Formula©

Designed for recruiters, the Talent Sourcing Formula© training makes it possible to make the most of the time spent on the social network by avoiding paying for a Premium Recruiter account. The best talents are just a click away! Need to know more, make an appointment in the agenda of a Proinfluent expert .

Personalized LinkedIn ™ coaching

With personalized LinkedIn ™ coaching support in video and screen sharing to allow you to visualize more concretely, LinkedIn coaching is a solution for anyone who wants to use LinkedIn ™ in the best possible way. You can talk directly with a Proinfluent expert and get answers to the questions you ask yourself to move straight forward towards your goals.

Tailor-made LinkedIn™ workshop

Do you want to introduce your employees to LinkedIn™ to introduce them to its operation and include the social network in your commercial strategy ? Proinfluent also offers tailor-made workshops and training for your company . With enthusiasm, good humor and professionalism, train your teams to achieve all your goals.

Do you have a specific need or an urgent need to find new customers and relaunch your business? Book a discussion time by clicking here to share your expectations and the solutions to your needs.

LinkedIn™ trainer, in conclusion

Here are our tips for choosing the right LinkedIn™ trainer:

  • A LinkedIn™ trainer must be an experienced person whose results have already been validated.
  • Pick someone you feel comfortable with to maximize your success.
  • Many LinkedIn™ training courses exist on the market: free, paid, e-learning, video, face-to-face, individual coaching, group training, etc.

LinkedIn™ trainer, to summarize in 4 questions

Qu'est-ce qu'un formateur LinkedIn™ ?

A LinkedIn™ trainer is an expert in professional social networking. It helps you achieve your goals on the professional social network: find clients, a job, a candidate, etc.

Pourquoi faire appel à un formateur LinkedIn™ ?

Hiring a LinkedIn™ trainer is an ideal solution for:

  • learn how to use the social network correctly and boost your results;
  • training on the most efficient methods;
  • respond to your needs immediately to save you time;
  • and above all, acquire an effective and structured strategy in the right order to achieve your objectives.

Quelle formation LinkedIn™ choisir ?

The network is very diversified in terms of opportunities and you can do multiple actions. Thus, the best LinkedIn™ training offer to choose is the one that best suits your needs, whether it is:

  • acquisition of new customers;
  • the development of your visibility on the network;
  • exploring LinkedIn™ in depth to optimize its use;
  • talent recruitment;
  • job Research ;
  • training for your teams;
  • etc.

Pourquoi se former à LinkedIn™ ?

LinkedIn™ is now the largest professional social network that offers opportunities at all levels for your business. To make the most of what the network has to offer, it is essential to train and thus advance your business or your professional career.

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