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Thank you email: concrete examples and advice



Have you made an agreement with a future partner? Have you finally found that rare gem for your recruitment? Or, do you want to thank a prospect for interviewing you? Send one thank you email is a golden rule for starting a healthy and caring relationship. We explain to you with concrete examples and tips how to write a thank you email in the rules of the art!

mail thank you examples

Thank you email: what is it for?

A thank you email isn’t just a polite message.

Indeed, it aims first of all to express your gratitude to the people who took the time to receive you whether for a business meeting, a collaboration, an exchange with potential customers, a job interview. If today this seems like a basic action, still too few candidates or companies allow themselves to send a thank you email. Be careful, your “thank you” must be sincere.

Thank you email

The thank you email is also used to reframe the elements discussed with your interlocutor and to re-specify your motivations. Summarize your discussion, recall the key points, provide additional information and make a proposal.

Examples of thank you emails

You want to differentiate yourself from your competitors and write a thank you email … But, are you lacking inspiration? Don’t panic, here are some examples to customize to help you!

Thank you mail after an application

” Dear, ( Write down the name of your contact here )

Following our interview of…, I would like to thank you for the time granted. This allowed me to better understand the missions that, I hope, you will be able to entrust to me. Our quality exchange confirms me in the idea of working within your company. The needs in terms of recruitment as well as internal communication are totally in line with my profile of … ( Fill in your function ).

Regarding the project…., I have an action plan that could provide a concrete solution to the difficulties you are facing.
I will be delighted to be able to discuss this subject face to face. In the meantime, please accept my best regards.

Best regards. “

My advice: don’t overdo it, especially when it comes to getting a job! Thank the recruiters who took the time to meet with you, state the reasons that make you the “ideal candidate”. Then show that you are responsive and that you have already anticipated the main problem. The goal is not to be perfect, but to prove that you are attentive, productive and that you are a driving force to rely on!

email thank you interview hiring

To boost your job search, check out this resume template developed after several years of improvement.

Thank you mail after a business meeting

” Dear,

Following our interview on…, I wanted to thank you for the time you have given me. I have noted all of your needs in terms of notoriety and acquisition of prospects. Highlight your services via a paid keyword campaign will allow you, as I mentioned to you, to go up in the positions of Google and thus to increase your clicks in order to transform them. For this, a natural referencing campaign in parallel will bring you significant results.
I attach to this email as agreed all the developments of our customers thanks to our campaigns and remain at your entire disposal to discuss this subject again.
Hoping to be able to cooperate with you, I wish you a great day,

Best regards. “

mail thank you commercial interview

Thank you email for a partnership

“Madam, Mister xxx,

Following our interview this morning, I wanted to thank you for our quality exchange and the interest you have shown in our future collaboration.

Indeed, this partnership project is completely in line with our common objectives (quote the objectives concisely).
Our collaboration will allow us to move in the same direction, that is to say to develop a social project at the service of the human being (develop the idea of the project).

The limited budget you told me about in no way calls into question our collaboration, to which our company will be able to provide an exchange of visibility. This option will allow you to gain notoriety and invest little financial means. This will also encourage us to develop in a different market. (Discuss the solutions to the constraints raised during the interview.

Our constructive conversation comforts me in the idea of being able to achieve our objectives through a win-win partnership in exchange and benevolence, which are two values that we share.
I remain at your disposal to discuss it. Looking forward to your return, I wish you a great day,

Best regards. “

e mail thank you partnership

When you talk about the constraints of a partnership, always respond with a solution. And, end your e-mail on a positive note, so that your future employee does not stay on the difficulty, but rather the solutions that you want to bring.

Our 7 expert tips for successful thank you emails

Your thank you email is very personal. Be inspired by our models, but write with your words and your values. Your message must transcribe your personality and your energy.

Tip # 1: be yourself

The rule of thumb for a thank you email is simply to be yourself. No need to do too much, a simple message is enough to prove your motivation and insist on your desire to work within such a company, or to collaborate with such a partner. .

Tip # 2: focus your thank you email on your motivations

The thank you email is in a way the conclusion of your meeting.

If you’ve been in a job interview, the purpose of your email is to re-affirm your motives. You are the ideal candidate because you fit the profile perfectly for several reasons that must be mentioned.

In the case of a business meeting, you have every interest in talking once again about the common motivations for this collaboration.

Tip 3: Summarize the needs of your interlocutor

Do you really want to get the job or get that contract? Bet everything on active listening! Show your future employee that you have heard their needs and how you can meet them. To do this, you can, for example, use these words “Following our interview…. Based on your needs in terms of project management, strategic analysis and internal communication, I think we can work together to… ”.

Tip 4: reassure your recruiter / employee

Do you really want to get the job or sign a partnership ?

Did you feel during the interview that the person in front of you was putting a damper on your CV for organizational reasons? For example, you found on a job board a station, but it is more than an hour from your home. Do not panic ! Remind the recruiter that you have heard their concerns, but that you have several solutions: carpooling, moving… This not only allows you to prove your motivation, but to show that you are very responsive and that you can implement quick solutions.

This is valid for a company director who wishes to collaborate with another company. If you feel the reluctance, for example, to sign a partnership, summarize all the points you have mentioned, with a proposal for a solution to each of them.

Tip # 5: be authentic

Synchronize with the business. You need to share his perspective on things, whether it’s for a partner, a job interview, or a business meeting. It is important to be on the same wavelength for a good collaboration. So be genuine and sincere. Whenever you really want to cooperate with someone, you just have to express that desire in the simplest way possible: your own.

thank you mail be authentic

Of course, you can respect certain forms of politeness and draw inspiration from examples to structure your email. Remember to ask yourself the right questions: what are the reasons why I want to collaborate with this company? How do we share the same values? Why is it important for me to participate in this project? What can I bring to this company? What do they need me for?

Tip 6: don’t forget to put your contact details

In the same way as a mail of revival , never forget to quote the name of the person who received you, to note the date of the interview, as well as to sign with your name / first name and your contact details. In this way, the recruiter, the collaborator or the prospect has the elements to remind you quickly.

A thank you email can make a big difference between multiple applicants! It doesn’t take you more than 15 minutes to write and you increase your chances of reaching your goal! So, don’t hesitate, be creative, concise and precise, but above all… Be you!

Tip # 7: take care of the subject of the thank you email

Be careful not to forget the subject of your e-mail! It must be indicative. You must remain cordial while recalling the reason for your meeting . For example, you enter basic sentences such as: “future collaboration Marketing strategy ”Or if it is a job interview“ following communication interview ”.

If you want to stand out, go slightly off the beaten track with a touch of humor or an offbeat catchphrase. However, make sure it is still appropriate for the setting and the person you are asking for.

When to write a thank you email?

Avoid sending your email the same day, especially if you come up with an action plan to address an issue. A day or two seems like the right timing so that you don’t seem too rushed or too late. It shows that you are a thoughtful person and that you have taken the time to think about the future position and / or collaboration.

When to write thank you email

Thank you email: concrete examples and advice: in conclusion

To write your thank you emails always think of:
  • Cite the name of the person who received you;
  • Indicate the date of the interview and the purpose of it;
  • Summarize the entire interview (expectations, issues);
  • Talk about how you can provide broad solutions;
  • Show your motivations;
  • Write the polite phrase at the end of the email;
  • Sign with your first and last name and add your contact details.

Thank you mail: to summarize in three questions

Comment dire merci dans un email ?

Nous vous conseillons d’envoyer un mail de remerciement suite à un entretien d’embauche, un partenariat ou un rendez-vous commercial. Pour cela, écrivez un email qui remercie votre interlocuteur pour l’échange que vous avez eu. Adressez-vous à la personne concernée avec sincérité tout en employant un ton professionnel. Exprimez votre gratitude avec une phrase simple telle que « Je vous remercie pour le temps que vous m’avez accordé. » N’oubliez pas de citer son nom et de mettre un objet indicateur dans votre mail.

Comment remercier un recruteur par mail ?

Suite à un entretien d’embauche, nous vous recommandons d’exprimer votre reconnaissance à la personne qui vous a accordé un rendez-vous. Pour cela, envoyez un email de remerciement et confirmez l’intérêt pour le poste. Mettez en avant vos qualités et en quoi vous répondez aux besoins du travail à pourvoir. Prenez le temps de montrer que vous avez bien entendu et compris sa demande.

Quand envoyer un mail de remerciement ?

N’attendez pas trop au risque que d’autres candidats ou entreprises le fassent à votre place ! Une semaine est bien trop espacée. N’envoyez pas non plus votre message de remerciement trop tôt. Il n’est pas conseillé de l’adresser le jour même. Comptez un à deux jours voire trois maximum pour expédier votre email de remerciement.

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