LinkedIn™ job search post example: tips and templates to adopt


How about landing your dream job on LinkedIn ? This is the case for 35.5 million people who are hired each year through the professional social network, so why not you? Imagine knowing the tricks to finally make a difference and no longer make the classic mistakes of LinkedIn users. Take advantage of our valuable tips and templates to customize in this LinkedIn™ job search post sample article!

LinkedIn™ job search post example: tips and templates to adopt

Before writing your LinkedIn™ job search post

Indicate your search to recruiters

The first thing to do is to tell recruiters that you are looking for a job. But be careful, this can put you in a delicate position if your employer is not aware of your approach. We tell you how to avoid this!

LinkedIn post example

To announce your wish to change or find work on the social network:

  • First go to your LinkedIn™ profile from the menu or homepage.
  • Then, just below your presentation, there are two boxes “Inform recruiters that you are available” and “Indicate that you are recruiting”. Select the first.
  • You are now moving on to personalizing your ad.
  • Choose the visibility of this ad. You have the choice between “All LinkedIn™ members”, in which case the mention #opentowork is displayed in a green banner on your profile picture, or “Recruiters only”.

Warning ! If your approach is not yet known by your current company, opt for the “Recruiters only” visibility. It means that only LinkedIn™ recruitment users have access to your request. So there is no risk that your colleagues will fall on it. However, LinkedIn™ cannot guarantee 100% that the advertisements remain 100% confidential, so remain vigilant.

Example post LinkedIn™ job search, some tips

Now let’s get down to business! Your profile is successful, so you now move on to writing LinkedIn™ posts that indicate your search for a job or internship. There are several ways to distribute it on the social network.

Engage your community

Now is the time to ask your community to help you find your dream job! To do this, make people in your network want to react and share your content as much as possible.

  • First, don’t beat around the bush! Whether in your content or in the title, be clear and precise! So state clearly and straightforwardly what your post is about.
  • A catchy title is recommended, moreover if you master copywriting, it’s time to reveal your talent!
  • Be kind to your community! When asking your audience for help, make sure to be courteous and warm.
  • Introduce yourself and your skills . If a member wants to put you in touch with a connection from their network, they tag it in the comments directly under your post. Concretely, this means that it is your post that is first seen by your future employers. So they need to learn a little about you and your abilities.
  • Finally, offer an exchange of services. For example, indicate that if a user shares or connects you with an influential person, you will in turn help him, in the way he wishes (post likes, content sharing, connection with a connection of his choice, etc.). However, having a large and interesting network is recommended to bet on this possibility.
LinkedIn post example

Write a compelling post

  • Use the AIDA method to structure your content, start by attracting attention with, for example, a catchphrase or a visual.
  • Display several professional experiences (internship, work-study, work, humanitarian trip, etc.) without really going into details (the recruiter can visit your profile afterwards and read all the additional information relating to your training, learning and experience) .
  • Line breaks are essential to air the text, make it more readable but also to give importance to certain sentences.
  • Add emojis to structure your post, but also give it a friendly and more human side, appreciable on social networks.
  • Do not forget to place between 3 to 5 hashtags in line with the work sought to increase the reach of your publication.

Example post LinkedIn™ looking for a job by soliciting its community

You are a btob sales manager with several years of experience and you are actively looking for a new job. Here are two examples of LinkedIn™ posts:

1. 🙋 Hello dear network 🤝

🔥 I’m taking advantage of my first publication on LinkedIn to communicate about my job search.

🎯 More specifically in the areas of marketing and communication.

⏳ CDD or CDI

⌚ When: immediate availability

🤷‍♀️ Why: after several years of loyal service, I am now looking for a new challenge that is more motivating and in line with my values.

🧐 Who am I? After experiences gained over the last decade, I have built my career around a simple truth: to win and retain customers, you have to really consider them and listen to their problems. This customer orientation helped me during my advanced training at[nom de l’entreprise] and in my job as communications officer at[nom de l’entreprise] .

📊 I will therefore provide you with:

-My experience as a communication officer;

-My benevolence and my motivation;

-My sense of organization;

-My team spirit.

I look forward to learning new things with you!

A comment or a Like will help me reach my goal, let go!

#recherchedemploi #métierdelacommunication #emploimarketing

Keep in mind that a job search post on LinkedIn™ must be professional, but also adapted to the social networks and the position you are looking for! Don’t just introduce yourself, but be attractive, talk about what you can bring.

2. I rely on you to sell me on LinkedIn™! 🤑

I was told that I had to sell myself to find a job on LinkedIn™. In fact, it’s easier said than done… Use copywriting or try the humor card to discreetly slip in that I am a sales manager looking for a new professional challenge, why not?

I was told that displaying my skills and experiences like on a CV 📑 was not well seen on LinkedIn™. So I won’t talk about my 8 years working for [ place company name ], nor the 3 years during which I helped increase 📈 the turnover of [ company name ] by 5 %.

In the end, I was told everything and its opposite to help me in my job search in Paris, but maybe knowing how to sell yourself means relying on the support of your LinkedIn™ network?

It is in any case the card on which I bet today! If you are one of my connections, it means that I have a deep consideration for you and your publications.

I offer you a 100% winning market 😎

You help me by putting me in touch with a person interested in my profile or by sharing my advertisement, and in return, I undertake to also help you in the year and in the way you wish. Not bad is not it ?

I therefore await your proposals and I look forward to being able to support you in return! 🍀

#commercialbtob #exchangeofservices #humanresources #researchcommercialbtob #communication

A relevant illustration is also recommended. Your CV for example! Discover the resume template that generates interviews!

LinkedIn™ post example, contact the recruiter by message on LinkedIn™

There are two possible ways to apply directly for a job offer found on LinkedIn™:

  • Apply directly from the ad;
  • Contact the company or better still, the person who takes care of it if you know their name.

As for the message, be short, clear and courteous. You can also attach your CV as an attachment.

LinkedIn post example

Here is an example of a job search message on LinkedIn™:

Hello Mr [ Dupont],

My name is [ your first name ] and I am [ your profession ], currently looking for new horizons. I have carefully studied your ad, and I would very much like us to discuss how my experiences and skills are suitable for this position.

We can continue the discussion here, or by phone at[numéro de téléphone] .

Hoping that my candidacy will hold your attention, please accept, Sir, my highest consideration.

Proinfluent helps you find your dream job

You send your CV but you never get answers? You don’t understand how LinkedIn™ can help you find the job you want? Do you have the impression of not being visible to professionals? I propose to remedy this in just 1 month! Thanks to our educational training, you learn to master LinkedIn™ to find the job of your dreams !

Example post LinkedIn™ job search, to conclude

Searching for a job on LinkedIn™ makes sense, because each year around the world 35.5 million people are hired through the world’s leading professional social network. Here are the takeaways:
  • Before writing a LinkedIn™ post that presents your job search, first make sure that your profile is attractive and optimized to “seduce” recruiters.
  • To do this, check that your banner and your profile photo are professional, recent and of good quality.
  • Customize your profile title.
  • Add keywords as hashtags to your profile.
  • Update your professional experiences and add some of your accomplishments.
  • Don’t forget to tell recruiters that you are open to new opportunities! This is possible by clicking on the box “Inform recruiters that you are available” below your presentation.
  • Getting recommendations is more than recommended.
To write your job search post on LinkedIn™ you need:
  • Choose a catchy and relevant title.
  • Clearly present your approach and what it is about.
  • Using copywriting techniques is a plus to make your publication attractive.
  • Briefly display your professional skills as well as some of your experiences without however imitating your CV.
  • Use emojis and line breaks to structure content and make it more readable.
  • Offer an exchange of service to users who react to your post (if applicable).

Example post LinkedIn™ job search, to summarize in 4 questions

How do I tell LinkedIn™ that I am actively searching?

To let recruiters or your entire LinkedIn™ network know you’re actively looking for a job:

  • Go to your profile from the menu or the home page;
  • Just below your general presentation, click on the frame “Inform recruiters that you are available”;
  • Fill in the title of the desired position, the place, the type and the date on which you can start working;
  • To finalize your ad, choose who can see it. You have the choice between all the members of your network or only the recruiters. If you are not already under contract with a company or if it is aware of your approach, the first choice is recommended. Otherwise, don’t make the mistake and opt for recruiters only!

How do you make a job search post on LinkedIn™?

To write one or more LinkedIn™ posts that advertise your job or internship search:

  • Choose a short and catchy title;
  • Go straight to the point! Clearly explain what it is;
  • Use copywriting to make the post attractive and increase its visibility;
  • Briefly present your skills and some experiences, but beware, this is not your CV, do not be too conventional!
  • Add emojis to organize content and make it friendlier;
  • Place between 3 to 5 hashtags to increase the reach of your ad;
  • Keep in mind that this is a professional social media post: don’t be too casual, but don’t be too rigid either!

How do you contact a recruiter on LinkedIn™?

There are two ways to contact a recruiter on LinkedIn™:

  • From his business or personal page, via messaging;
  • By applying directly to their job or internship offer.

When you write your message, show him your interest in this position and briefly explain why you are the ideal candidate. Of course, the forms of professional politeness are to be added. Do not scatter yourselves by addressing several topics, even if you want to make a good impression, keep it short.

How do you announce your departure on LinkedIn™?

If you want to formalize your departure in the form of LinkedIn™ posts:

  • Bet on a publication that evokes common memories, the highlights of your career in the company.
  • Tag the colleagues on your team and possibly your employer and thank them for these months/years spent together.
  • Say what this work in this brand has brought you (skills, human qualities, social ties, etc.)
  • Illustrate everything with photos taken with your colleagues. A carousel post is also suitable.


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