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How to be successful on LinkedIn ™? 13 tips to hit the nail on the head



Here is a recurring question: how to succeed on LinkedIn ™? And for good reason, the advantages of this network are well established! Interactive, lively and constantly on the move, the largest professional social network in the world is a great tool to increase your results, find a job, assert your business strategy and create links with influential people. LinkedIn ™ is probably one of the best levers for your business. But, to be successful on LinkedIn ™, it is still necessary to respect a few basic rules. These lay the foundation for your presence on the network. So, in order to ensure your success, discover our 13 tips to be successful on LinkedIn ™.

How to be successful on LinkedIn?

1- Succeed on LinkedIn ™: be present

This advice may seem trivial! However, you would agree, if you are a ghost on the network, no one is likely to find or notice you. So, to succeed on LinkedIn ™, the fundamental point to respect is the regularity of your presence: add new people, interact on publications, publish, respond to comments or your messages, simply watch, etc.

A daily and regular presence on the professional social network is the foundation of your strategy. For this foundation to be as solid as possible, be sure to log in frequently, both to keep you informed of what is happening on the web, but also so that other members of the community see you regularly. Thus, without forcing, you are already considered a key element of the social network. The more present you are on LinkedIn ™, the greater your chances of landing opportunities.

2- Take care of your LinkedIn ™ profile

The LinkedIn ™ profile is still the basis of your presence on the network. Pampering it is essential to ensure your success on LinkedIn ™. Indeed, it is the real starting point for all your actions on LinkedIn ™, and also the page that other members see (and judge). Indeed, it is the first thing that any user does: he visits your page and in a few seconds he has an opinion about you.

LinkedIn ™ offers many tools and options for:

  • increase the visibility of your profile on the network;
  • and, turn your LinkedIn ™ profile into a real sales page.
create a LinkedIn profile and take advantage of a variety of actions

As Coco Chanel said: “You won’t have twice the opportunity to make a good first impression. So don’t skimp on the quality of your LinkedIn ™ profile and comb through all the elements to make them perfect:

And don’t forget the basic settings to ensure your visibility on the network.

To hit the nail on the head, design your LinkedIn ™ profile not as a resume that lists your professional background, but as a real sales page that inspires confidence. Think about your prospect and talk about how you can help them and what you can do for them.

To go further and transform your profile into a sales page that converts visitors into buyers, discover the Proinfluent® Profile .

3- Shine on LinkedIn ™ by prioritizing quality

To answer the question “how to be successful on LinkedIn ™?” », One of the key points to respect is this: QUALITY. Not just in your publications, no… Everywhere! It’s simple, every time you take an action on LinkedIn ™, think about the value you bring.

  • Starting a conversation with a new relationship? Think about the quality of your message but also the form by avoiding spelling mistakes for example.
  • Want to comment on a post that appears in your LinkedIn ™ News Feed? Adapt your comment to the context and above all focus on the value of your advice.
  • Do you have any changes to make to your LinkedIn ™ profile? Aim for excellence.

Without being too formal, remember that you are on a professional social network, and that the purpose of your presence is to find business opportunities. Invest your time in producing quality actions on LinkedIn ™, you won’t regret it.

4- Share and interact with members of the network

Succeeding on LinkedIn ™ means having been recognized as an expert in your field, in order to build up a loyal and satisfied clientele. For that, nothing like sharing! Even if LinkedIn ™ is a priori a different platform from Facebook ™, Instagram ™ and others, it is nonetheless a social network on which many interactions are possible!

Succeed on LinkedIn: Share and interact with network members

So, to put the odds on your side, go for it. Share content that you liked, that could be relevant to your contacts, like and comment on the posts of your connections, etc. To stand out on LinkedIn ™, don’t stay in your corner. By being visible and fair in all your actions on the network, you demonstrate your expertise, your knowledge, your openness and your dynamism.

5- Publishing high added value content: the key to success on LinkedIn ™

Your presence on LinkedIn ™ (as on the internet) results in the publication of various content: texts, visuals, videos, carousels , etc. Thus, when developing your digital marketing strategy Where your communication plan , content strategy appears as a key element!

Here are the different steps to ensure the success of your posts on LinkedIn ™:

  1. Define your target, that is to say the person for whom you are editing this content. To help you, you can use the tool of the buyer persona .
  2. Identify the multiple themes to design your messages: history of your company, advice, tutorials, presentation of your solutions (products / services), etc.
  3. Create an editorial schedule to foresee and alternate the different types of information that you distribute: a video, an article, an image, an infographic… the schedule is your guarantee to remain regular!
  4. If necessary, use a programming of your publications .

6- Develop your credibility: the major asset to establish yourself as a referent on the professional network

What exactly is credibility on LinkedIn ™? It is to have an image of a recognized expert. Thus, the other members of the network have an infallible confidence in you. And trust is THE BASIS of any successful business relationship.

To break into LinkedIn ™ and develop your credibility, it is essential to demonstrate your expertise. The best way to do this is to display your customers’ results, publish their positive opinions, show that you are particularly committed to their own success (which also means yours on LinkedIn ™!). So don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations with your former colleagues, partners, clients.

Succeeding on LinkedIn: Developing Your Credibility

Prospects who are interested in you will be even more likely to make their way through your sales funnel on their own if you can prove that others have done so before them. And, above all, they have not regretted having done it! By being credible, you are sure to succeed on LinkedIn ™.

7- Always remain benevolent, courteous and professional

In “real” life, a smile makes all the difference. On LinkedIn ™, it is the same! Be caring, outgoing and sympathetic while remaining professional when interacting with members of the LinkedIn ™ social network. In addition to reinforcing your image with a good dose of optimism, you also make changes in yourself: you are never as proud of yourself as when you are kind to others.

In addition to basic politeness, feel free to give a little word of encouragement or congratulations, wish a happy birthday, etc. Kindness and benevolence, no offense to the clichés, are not a weakness. Sooner or later, every virtual smile sent to your LinkedIn ™ network will pay you back a hundredfold.

8- Personalize exchanges and invitations

The personalization of LinkedIn ™ invitations is essential. The keystone of mutual trust, sending an invitation cannot be truly successful if it is not appropriate, if only a minimum. So, immediately delete the generic post suggested by LinkedIn ™!

Succeeding on LinkedIn: personalizing discussions and invitations

Avoid basic, empty notes and personalize your text based on what you’ve learned about the person. To do this, visit his profile and read his latest publications. No need to write a novel, anyway the number of characters is limited, but a little catchphrase to adapt according to the context.

It’s simple, either you personalize your messages, or you send a connection request without a note. It is preferable !

To go further: personalizing your LinkedIn ™ invitations can sometimes be intimidating and lead to the terrible white sheet syndrome. To stop hesitating, take a look at the article that presents you 15 examples of personalized LinkedIn ™ invitations .

9- Think about your target customers: essential for success on LinkedIn ™

Everyone loves to talk about themselves. In this area, know that prospects do not stand out! So, to be successful on LinkedIn ™, pamper your prospects, and make them speak for themselves.

To do this, ask them professional questions, find out about them before meeting them or having a virtual exchange. This allows you to have marbles to place here and there some details that hit the mark, and especially that prove to them that you are interested in them.

Remember that someone who comes in contact with you is doing so because they have a problem to solve. This concern, she thinks about it constantly! It is very important to him. So, make your target feel that their concerns are justified and it is only then that you ask yourself as a solution to this famous problem.

10- Be open to new professional relationships

LinkedIn ™ is a gigantic web of people who connect with each other to find new professional opportunities. To succeed on LinkedIn ™, don’t get stuck in a tight circle of acquaintances: open up to the world! You’ll be surprised how much you have in common with people who, at first glance, might not have been your top “picks”.

Succeeding on LinkedIn: being open to new professional relationships

With the internet, it is possible to forge links with individuals residing on the other side of the planet, to exchange with members that you would never have met first hand, to collaborate professionally with people from all sectors! So open the doors to your network and accept new LinkedIn ™ connections .

11- Think about targeting to improve your efficiency

If you use LinkedIn ™ in a social selling strategy , you know that targeting your prospects is essential. And this for many reasons :

  1. Don’t be too thin and waste your time with people who don’t meet your criteria.
  2. Adapt your content and personalize your messages.
  3. Optimize your conversion rate.

It’s up to you to define your ideal target audience according to your own criteria and then find the LinkedIn ™ members who are part of it. By talking to the right people, you maximize your chances of succeeding in the professional network.

Succeeding on LinkedIn: think about targeting

To go further: the Premium Sales Navigator subscription is a formidable tool for prospecting according to a very broad criteria grid. Discover our article on the subject: LinkedIn ™ Sales Navigator: Pricing & Complete Guide!

12- Join groups for success on LinkedIn ™

Discussion groups are great tools for getting ahead on LinkedIn ™. With them, you can get in touch and exchange in a very targeted and relevant way with players in your sector, professionals of all stripes and even with your target customers. Which turns out to be a good lever to promote your Business Development.

Joining groups is essential for any social seller. These allow you to create solid links with other members, and to best discover the needs of your target in order to adjust your commercial strategy accordingly. To be as effective as possible, never forget that in groups, it’s like on LinkedIn ™: courtesy, relevance, quality, regularity!

13- Make the day before

To permanently establish your credibility and be considered a true reference expert in your field, it is essential to monitor.

The day before allows you to:

  • stay constantly informed of what is happening in your sector, or in that of your target;
  • share relevant information with your network;
  • to be responsive by quickly adapting your solutions according to current needs;
  • to continue to learn and develop your skills.

How to succeed on LinkedIn ™, in conclusion

If you had just three tips for success on the LinkedIn ™ professional network, here they are:

  • REGULARITY! Ensuring a regular and constant presence on LinkedIn ™ allows you to familiarize your target customers with you (or your brand).
  • THE QUALITY ! If your content is not excellent, your publications are unsuccessful, your messages are not read and your image does not take off: your entire social selling and presence strategy falls apart!
  • HUMANITY! LinkedIn ™ is first and foremost a social network. You are not a machine, and neither are your prospects. Be caring, polite and genuine. It is not because a screen separates you from your target that the human aspect must be forgotten, on the contrary!

Succeed on LinkedIn ™, to sum up in four questions

Comment bien débuter sur LinkedIn™ ?

Your LinkedIn ™ presence begins with a profile. This personal page is the starting point for all your actions on the network. It is also the point of arrival for your target people. In just a few seconds, the visitor to your page has an opinion about you. Thus, your profile must be thought out to the nearest millimeter to convey your values, your messages, explain what you can bring to others, arouse interest, inspire confidence … In short, a good profile is the keystone for a good start on LinkedIn ™.

Comment optimiser sa présence sur LinkedIn™ ?

Being on LinkedIn ™ isn’t just about having a profile. Even if the latter is extremely well optimized, it is not enough on its own to generate professional opportunities. Your presence on LinkedIn ™ involves the development of your network, access to discussion groups, the publication of posts or articles, comments and messages (Inmail).

Comment être visible sur LinkedIn™ ?

To be visible on LinkedIn ™, you must already have an optimized profile. Then you have to be active on the network. That is to say, publish content, respond to comments and react to the publications of other members. The success of your visibility on LinkedIn ™ depends on the quality of your content and also on its regularity!

Comment réussir sur LinkedIn™ ?

To be successful on LinkedIn ™, you first need to have built a solid foundation. That is to say, having a beautiful, well-optimized profile that inspires confidence. Then, you have to develop your professional network by sending personalized messages to targeted people. Finally, you have to create very high quality content (posts, comments, messages), while remaining courteous, benevolent and professional.

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